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Presentation transcript:


$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 toWarMuchToLearnIt’sOverYeahRight!Steps

C1-$100 Steps Steps - $100 The German commitment to sinking all ships in the war zone is called? Unrestricted submarine warfare

C1-$200 Steps Steps - $200 This was intercepted and published. It offered a German- Mexican alliance? Zimmermann Note

C1-$300 Steps Steps - $300 This despotic country withdrew from WWI so the US felt compelled to help the Allies? Russia

C1-$400 Steps Steps - $400 These were the twin pillars of US entry into WWI? To make the world safe for democracy A war to end all wars

C1-$500 Steps Steps - $500 What was the Lusitania carrying besides passengers? Ammunition/weapons for the Allies

C2-$100 To To - $100 His job was to “sell” Americans on the war? George Creel

C2-$200 To To - $200 These 2 bills reflected America’s fears of all things German? Espionage Act of 1917 Sedition Act 1918

C2-$300 To To - $300 The “Wobblies” were especially hard hit by the Sedition Act. Who were the Wobblies? Members of the International Workers of the World (Eugene V. Debs - leader)

C2-$400 To To - $400 American labors sweated their way to victory with this slogan? Labor will win the war

C2-$500 To To - $500 Why did women support & take part in the war efforts? To earn a role in shaping the peace (suffrage)

C3-$100 War War - $100 Nickname given to American soldiers? Doughboys

C3-$200 War War - $200 Another word for the “draft”? Conscription

C3-$300 War War - $300 He was the American General in charge of US troops? Black Jack Pershing

C3-$400 War War - $400 What was the last big battle of WWI? Muese - Argon

C3-$500 War War - $500 The war ended in armistice on this hour, day, month? 11 am, 11 th of Nov.

C4-$100 Much To Learn Much To Learn - $100 This union gained much strength during WWI under the leadership of Gompers? American Federation of Labor

C3-200 Much To Learn Much To Learn - $200 In 1920 the 19 th Amendment was passed. It’s concerned? Women’s Suffrage

C3-$300 Much To Learn Much To Learn - $300 After WWI this Quaker was responsible for feeding the US and its Allies? Herbert Hoover

C3-$400 Much To Learn Much To Learn - $400 The 18 th Amendment concerned this? Prohibition

C3-$500 Much To Learn Much To Learn - $500 This government pulled Russia out of the war in 1917? Bolshevik

C4-$100 It’s Over It’s Over - $100 Under terms of Wilson’s 14 points, Germany sent the Kaiser away and asked for this? Armistice

C4-$200 It’s Over It’s Over - $200 Wilson weakened his hand with Congress concerning the peace when he failed to do this? Put any Republicans on the Peace Delegation

C4-$300 It’s Over It’s Over - $300 The Big Four met where? Paris, France at Versailles

C4-$400 It’s Over It’s Over - $400 Who were the Big 4? What did each want? Wilson – Peace w/o victory Clemenceau – Reparations George – Hang the Kaiser Orlando - Land

C4-$500 It’s Over It’s Over - $500 This was set up to keep peace after WWI? League of Nations

C4-$100 Yeah Right! Yeah Right! - $100 Germany was forced to sign this or go back to War. Treaty of Versailles

C4-$200 Yeah Right! Yeah Right! - $200 Germany was forced to pay back $33 million to Britain and France. This is called? Reparations

C4-$300 Yeah Right! Yeah Right! - $300 Why was the League of Nations ultimately a failure? The US did not join (why not?)

C4-$400 Yeah Right! Yeah Right! - $400 Who was largely responsible for keeping the US out of the League of Nations? Henry Cabot Lodge

C4-$500 Yeah Right! Yeah Right! - $500 The Treaty of Versailles open the door for? Adolph Hitler – WW2