Unit 3 A healthy diet 30-Second Non-Stop Talking Rules: Work in group of 4. Each student says one word about food or drinks one by one. Tips: No repeating.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 A healthy diet

30-Second Non-Stop Talking Rules: Work in group of 4. Each student says one word about food or drinks one by one. Tips: No repeating Time: 30 seconds Brain storm

eat vegetables m large What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Try to say

My diet Breakfast: some noodles, an egg. Lunch: some a few (几个) a lot of Dinner: My diet( 饮食 ) some a lot of healthy( 健康的 ) or unhealthy( 不健康的 ) a little (一点)

.. A healthy diet headteeth quiet headteeth

Do Yang Ling and Mike have a healthy diet? Try to guess

Read and tick (快速朗读,勾出答案) What food does Mike eat for three meals( 三餐 )? Breakfast:cakes bread milk noodles ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Lunch & dinner:rice milk meat fish ( )( ) ( ) ( ) √ √ √√ √

Try to find a few 几个

Listen and tick (仔细听,勾出答案) What food does YangLing eat for three meals( 三餐 )? √ √ √ √ Breakfast: egg bread milk noodles ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Lunch & Dinner: rice vegetables meat fish ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) √ a little 一点

Watch and answer What food do they both( 都 ) like ? sweet food a little at a time drink a little

F T F T F T likes eating cakes. a few eggs every week. a little rice. Read and judge

Try to imitate Tips: 注意模仿他们的语音语调。

Read and write

bread milk a lot of rice some fish some meat sweetscakes ice creams Read and write

noodlesan egg meat vegetablesrice sweet food fruit Read and write

Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Does Mike have a healthy diet?

Give Mike some suggestions! 快来给迈克一些建议吧! You can/should......can make us... Don't... Please eat...

a lot of some a few/a little What is the healthy diet? keep us healthy 使我们保持健康 …good for … make us strong 使我们保持强壮 a little at a time

NameFor breakfastFor lunch and dinner I like.... have some... have a lot of..., some... and... have a lot of..., eats some... and..., sometimes... only eats... About you I think I (don't) have a healthy diet. Do you have a healthy diet?

1.Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family. ( 向你的家人介绍食物金字塔 ) 2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends. ( 请给你的好友写 1-2 条健康饮食的建议 )