The ___ is a global network of computer networks Internet.


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Presentation transcript:

The ___ is a global network of computer networks Internet

The _____ is the piece of hardware that interprets and carries out the instructions contained in the software applications.

The CPU is the piece of hardware that interprets and carries out the instructions contained in the software applications.

A software application used to locate and display Web pages is called a browser

Troubleshooting A public PC in the library sounds like it is booting up but the screen remains black. Which is the most likely problem? monitor

Hardware or Software Browser Monitor CPU Ethernet Cable

Protocol A standard format for exchanging data between computers or devices

OPAC Online Public Access Catalog Public Search interface to a library catalog.

Network Computers connected by cables or wireless technology for the purpose of data sharing.

Troubleshooting You can’t access the OPAC. What would you check next? Can you get to other Web services? Can other PCs access the catalog? Isolate the problem. PC, Branch, Other servers, domains, etc.

Troubleshooting None of the Branch workstations can print, access the Web or the ILS All workstations at the other Branch are fine. What could it be?

Acquisitions Searching Bibliographic records Item records

Cataloging Cataloging Module is used to add and modify MARC records for the catalog. The catalog is the main database containing records which represent a library’s collection

AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2 nd ed. Standard for the English speaking world to describe library materials.

Access Point A searchable element or indexed field in a catalog record.

Catalog Records Authority Records Bibliographic Records Item Records

Authority Records A record that provides the preferred version of a name, title, subject and related headings.

Bibliographic Records A catalog records that uniquely describes a title

Item Records A catalog record representing a copy of a title.

Bibliographic Utility Distributes bibliographic records to libraries OCLC

FRBR Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records A format that groups together bibliographic records for all manifestations of a work.

Indexing The process of creating a searchable index or access point from catalog data.

Indicator Numeric codes added to MARC tags to provide additional information.

LCSH Library of Congress Subject Headings A controlled set of subject descriptors used to describe content of titles in the catalog.

MARC Machine Readable Cataloging International standard for computerized bib records developed by the Library of Congress.

Metadata Data about data – description of a document for the purposes of search and retrieval.

Overlay The process of replacing bib records by downloading another, which matches on a unique identifier.

Subfield A smaller element or segment of a record field.

Subject Heading Subject descriptor assigned to a title, usually from the list of LCSH.

Tag MARC element that indicates a particular field, for example title or subject.

Unicode An international encoding system that stores and represents multiple language characters in online systems.

Uniform Title Standard title for a work that represents multiple variations.

Troubleshooting None of the Branch workstations can print, access the Web or the ILS All workstations at the other Branch are fine. What could it be?

ILS Vendors Innovative Interfaces Inc. (III) –CCSF –SFPL SirsiDynix –Peralta CCDPeralta CCD –Chabot-Las Positas Community CollegesChabot-Las Positas Community Colleges