Yao Bo Lu Stavanger, 11.05.2011 Daily Drilling Report 1.2.0 Elements.


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Yao Bo Lu Stavanger, Daily Drilling Report Elements

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Header Daily Drilling Report Elements, Yao Bo Lu, 11/ © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Report No  reportNo  Type: positiveCount  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Sequence number of daily drilling report  Example input value: 1  Example output value: 1 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 3 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the 'sequence number' of an actual ‘daily drilling report’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘daily drilling report’.|Role 2: The 'daily drilling report sequence number‘ of the actual 'daily drilling report’. DAILY DRILLING REPORT SEQUENCE NUMBER INPUT LIST

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Tight well  Name: tightWell  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Indicates if a well is tight or not.  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 4 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TIGHT WELL INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if an actual 'well' is to be classified as a 'tight well' Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'well'.|Role 1: A code stating ift he well is to be classified, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'well' shall be classified as a 'tight well'.|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering High pressure – high temperature  Name: hpht  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Indicates if a well is classified as HPHT (High pressure – high temperature)  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 5 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. HPHT INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if the actual 'wellbore' is to be classified as a HPHT wellbore ('high pressure high temperature wellbore') Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'well'.|Role 1: A code stating if the well is to be classified, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'wellbore' shall be classified as a 'high pressure high temperature wellbore'.|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Pressure  Name: avgPresBH  Type: pressureMeasurePsig  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Average bottomhole pressure (psig)  Example input value: 25  Example output value: 23 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 6 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. AVERAGE BOTTOMHOLE PRESSURE - PSIG A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'average bottomhole pressure' expressed in 'pound force per inch squared gauge'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual 'wellbore'|Role 2: The pressure in 'pound force per inch squared gauge'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Temperature  Name: avgTempBH  Type: thermodynamicTemperatureMeasureCelsius  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Average bottomhole temperature(c)  Example input value: 25  Example output value: 25 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 7 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. AVERAGE BOTTOMHOLE TEMPERATURE - DEG C A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'average bottomhole temperature' expressed in 'degree celsius'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual 'wellbore'|Role 2: The temperature in 'degree celsius'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Fixed rig  Name: fixedRig  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Indicates if a rig is fixed or not  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 8 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. FIXED OIL AND GAS DRILLING FACILITY An 'oil and gas drilling facility' that stays permanently in one location. DAILY DRILLING REPORT RIG CLASS INPUT LIST FIXED OIL AND GAS DRILLING FACILITY MOVEABLE OIL AND GAS DRILLING FACILITY

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Water depth  Name: waterDepth  Type: lengthMeasureMetre  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Water depth in Mean sea level (m).  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 9 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'mean sea level' of a 'seawater surface‘ measured in 'metre'. MEAN SEA LEVEL - METRE Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘sea’.|Role 2: The level in meters.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Period  Type: Calculated field  Example output value: : :00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 10 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT REPORTING PERIOD DATE TIME - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the start and end date/time for a ‘wellbore reporting period drilling sequence’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore reporting period’.|Role 2: The start date/time in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM’.|Role 3: The end date/time in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM'. Kun I eksempelrapport

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Operation Daily Drilling Report Elements, Yao Bo Lu, 11/ © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Start depth  Name: mdHoleStart  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Meassured depth at start of the activity (m).  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 12 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Lagt til – men hører til activity? MEASURED DEPTH OF WELLBORE START OF RUN - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'measured depth relative to RKB' of a 'wellbore section bottom surface' at the start of a 'wellbore drilling sequence' measured in 'metre'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering End depth  Name: md  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Meassured depth at end of the activity (m).  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 13 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Spesifisere end MEASURED DEPTH RELATIVE TO RKB - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'measured depth relative RKB' in metres for any item involved in a 'wellbore drilling session'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual 'wellbore drilling session'|Role 2: The depth in metre.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Depth  Type: Calculated field  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 14 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Differanse

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Main - Sub Activity  Name: proprietaryCode  Type: ActivityCodeNPD  minOccurs: 1  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Meassured depth at end of the activity (m).  Example input value: drilling -- drill  Example output value: drilling -- drill Insert "Title, Author, Date" 15 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. ???? ??

| Sector, Alliance, Offering State  Name: state  Type: MainActivityEvaluation  minOccurs: 1  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Finish, interrupted, failed, etc.  Example input value: ok  Example output value: ok Insert "Title, Author, Date" 16 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Finnes I skjema fra før, men legges til i eksempelrapport?

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Bit record Daily Drilling Report Elements, Yao Bo Lu, 11/ © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Hours drilled  Name: eTimOpBit  Type: timeMeasureHour  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Operating time spent by bit during the reporting period.  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 18 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. ACCUMULATED TIME DRILLED DURING REPORTING PERIOD - HOURS A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'accumulated time drilled during reporting period' of a 'wellbore reporting period drilling measured in 'hour'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore reporting period drilling’ activity.|Role 2: The accumulated time in hours

| Sector, Alliance, Offering MD Start  Name: mdHoleStart  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Measured depth at start of reporting period.  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 19 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. MEASURED DEPTH OF WELLBORE START OF RUN - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'measured depth relative to RKB' of a 'wellbore section bottom surface' at the start of a 'wellbore drilling sequence' measured in 'metre'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering MD end  Name: mdHoleEnd  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Measured depth at end of reporting period.  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 20 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. MEASURED DEPTH OF WELLBORE END OF RUN - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'measured depth relative to RKB' of a 'wellbore section bottom surface' at the end of a 'wellbore drilling sequence' measured in 'metre'. Role 1: The depth in meters.|Role 2: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore drilling sequence’, e.g. ‘wellbore bit run’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Dull grade  Name: dullGrade  Type: str32  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Finish, interrupted, failed, etc.  Example input value: 2/3/NO/A/X/I/NO/DTF  Example output value: 2/3/NO/A/X/I/NO/DTF Insert "Title, Author, Date" 21 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. IADC ROCK DRILL BIT DULL GRADE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the membership of an actual ‘rock drill bit’ in a particular ‘IADC rock drill bit dull grade class’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘rock drill bit’.|Role 2: The dull grade code of the actual ‘rock drill bit’.|Note. The SW shall check for the existence of a ‘rock drill bit dull grade xxx’ reflecting the code instance, and establish such class if it not present and make the actual ‘rock drill bit’ a member of the actual ‘rock drill bit iadc dull grade nnnnnn’ class.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Hole Made (Last 24H)  Type: Calculated field  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 22 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. HOLE MADE DURING REPORTING PERIOD - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'wellbore reporting period section length' of a 'wellbore reporting period section' at the end of a 'wellbore reporting period drilling sequence' measured in 'metre'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore reporting period drilling sequence’.|Role 2: The length in meters.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Hours drilled (Last 24H)  Name: eTinOpBit  Type: timeMeasureHour  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Operating time spent by bit during the reporting period.  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 23 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. ACCUMULATED TIME DRILLED DURING REPORTING PERIOD - HOURS A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'accumulated time drilled during reporting period' of a 'wellbore reporting period drilling measured in 'hour'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore reporting period drilling’ activity.|Role 2: The accumulated time in hours

| Sector, Alliance, Offering ROP (Last 24H)  Name: ropAv  Type: velocityMeasureMetresPerHour  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Average rate of penetration through Interval.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 24 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DRILL BIT RATE OF PENETRATION DURING REPORTING PERIOD - METRE PER HOUR A 'template input list' that is the data required to state the 'drill bit rate of penetration at end of reporting period' measured in 'metre per hour'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Total Hole Made  Name: mdTotHoleMade  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Total accumulated Measured depth for the entire run.  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 25 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. HOLE MADE DURING REPORTING PERIOD - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'wellbore reporting period section length' of a 'wellbore reporting period section' at the end of a 'wellbore reporting period drilling sequence' measured in 'metre'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore reporting period drilling sequence’.|Role 2: The length in meters.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Total hours drilled  Name: totHrsDrilled  Type: timeMeasureHour  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Total accumulated Hours of drilling for the entire run.  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 26 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Total ROP  Name: totRop  Type: velocityMeasureMetresPerHour  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Total accumulated Rate of penetration for the entire run.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 27 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DRILL BIT RATE OF PENETRATION DURING BIT RUN - METRE PER HOUR A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'drill bit rate of penetration' of a 'wellbore bit run section' at the end of a 'wellbore bit run' measured in 'metre per hour'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore bit run’.|Role 2: The ROP in 'metre per hour'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Casing/Liner/Tubing information Daily Drilling Report Elements, Yao Bo Lu, 11/ © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Type of pipe  Name: type  Type: tubularTypes  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The type of tubular (e.g., casing, tubing, liner, packer, open hole, other).  Example input value: c  Example output value: casing Insert "Title, Author, Date" 29 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELL COMPLETION CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the class of ‘well completion assembly’ of which the actual ‘tubular section’ is a member. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘tubular section’.|Role 2: The code identifying the class the actual ‘well completion assembly’ is a member.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report well completion code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Nominal outside diameter  Name: od  Type: lengthMeasureInch  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The outside diameter of the tubular used.  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 30 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELL COMPLETION STRING SIZE CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the nominal size of an actual ‘well completion string’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion string’.|Role 2: The size code of the actual ‘well completion string’.|Note: The size code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report well completion code string class’. Vs inside

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Nominal inside diameter  Name: id  Type: lengthMeasureInch  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The inside diameter of the tubular used.  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 31 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELL COMPLETION SECTION ASSEMBLY NOMINAL INSIDE DIAMETER - INCH A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the ‘well completion section assembly nominal inside diameter’ of a 'well completion section assembly'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion section assembly’.|Role 2: The nominal value for the smallest inside diameter of the items making up the assembly stated in inches.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Nominal Weight  Name: weight  Type: massPerLengthMeasurePoundsMassPerFoot  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The weight per length of the tubular.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 32 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WEIGHT CODE – POUND PER FOOT A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the nominal weight of an actual ‘well completion string’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion string’.|Role 2: The size code in pound per foot of the actual ‘‘well completion string’.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report weight code pound per foot string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Nominal Grade  Name: grade  Type: str32  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: A 'code string class' that is representing members of 'API 5CT 7th. edition grade class'  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 33 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT STEEL GRADE CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the material grade of an actual ‘well completion string’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion string’.|Role 2: The material grade code of the actual ‘well completion string’.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report steel grade code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Nominal Connection  Name: connection  Type: str32  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: A 'code string class' that is a standardrised set of strings used in a 'daily drilling report' to identify a member of 'daily drilling report connection class'  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 34 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT CONNECTION CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the thread class of an actual ‘well completion string’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion string’.|Role 2: The thread code of the actual ‘well completion string’.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report connection code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Length  Name: length  Type: lengthMeasureMetre  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Length measured along string.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 35 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELL COMPLETION SECTION LENGTH - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'well completion section length' of a 'well completion section assembly‘ measured in 'metre'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore completion section assembly’.|Role 2: The length in meters.|Note: The indirect property is by default 'well completion section length'

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Top/Hangar  Name: mdTop  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The measured depth of the top of the tubular.  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 36 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELL COMPLETION SECTION ASSEMBLY TOP DEPTH RELATIVE TO RKB - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the measured depth in metres relative to RKB to the top of a 'well completion assembly' or a 'well string hanger'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion section assembly’ or ‘well string hanger’.|Role 2: The value obtained by the actual measurement.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Bottom/Shoe  Name: mdBottom  Type: measuredDepthCoord  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The measured depth of the bottom of the tubular.  Example input value: 150  Example output value: 150 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 37 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELL COMPLETION SECTION ASSEMBLY BOTTOM DEPTH RELATIVE TO RKB - METRE A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the measured depth in metres relative to RKB to the bottom of a 'well completion assembly' or a 'casing shoe'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion section assembly’ or ‘casing shoe’.|Role 2: The value obtained by the actual measurement.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Casing type  Name: casingType  Type: casingTypes  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: The casing type used in this tubular job stage.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 38 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELL CASING ASSEMBLY CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the class of ‘well casing assembly’ of which the actual ‘tubular section’ is a member. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘tubular section’.|Role 2: The code identifying the class of which the actual ‘well casing assembly’ is a member.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report well casing code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Run Time  Name: dTimStart  Type: timestamp  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Date time of start of this stimulation stage.  Example input value: T12:00:00.000Z  Example output value: 12:00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 39 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Noen endring her? Output-formatet?

| Sector, Alliance, Offering End Time  Name: dTimEnd  Type: timestamp  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Total accumulated Rate of penetration for the entire run.  Example input value: T12:00:00.000Z  Example output value: 12:00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 40 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Noen endring her? Output-formatet?

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Description  Name: description  Type: descriptionString  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Total accumulated Rate of penetration for the entire run.  Example input value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Example output value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Insert "Title, Author, Date" 41 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELL COMPLETION SECTION ASSEMBLY RUN DESCRIPTION INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to record the description of a particular 'well completion section assembly run'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘run well completion’,|Role 2: The actual text string.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Cement information Daily Drilling Report Elements, Yao Bo Lu, 11/ © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Start Time  Name: dTimPumpStart  Type: timestamp  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Datetime at start of pumping cement.  Example input value: T12:00:00.000Z  Example output value: 12:00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 43 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELLBORE CEMENTING JOB START DATE AND TIME - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the start date/time of an actual ‘wellbore cementing job’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore cementing job’.|Role 2: The start date/time in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering End Time  Name: dTimPumpEnd  Type: timestamp  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Datetime at end of pumping cement.  Example input value: T12:00:00.000Z  Example output value: 12:00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 44 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELLBORE CEMENTING JOB END DATE AND TIME - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the end date/time of an actual ‘wellbore cementing job’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore cementing job’.|Role 2: The end date/time in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Job type  Name: jobType  Type: cementJobTypes  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Type of cement job.  Example input value: squeeze  Example output value: squeeze Insert "Title, Author, Date" 45 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELLBORE CEMENTING JOB CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the cementing job class of an actual ‘wellbore cementing job’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well cementing job’.|Role 2: The code for the class of cemnting jobs of which the actual ‘well cementing job’ is a member.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report wellbore cementing job code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Casing string diameter  Name: casingStrDia  Type: lengthMeasureInch  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Casing string diameter of the casing cement (in).  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 46 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELL COMPLETION STRING SIZE CODE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the nominal size of an actual ‘well completion string’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘well completion string’.|Role 2: The size code of the actual ‘well completion string’.|Note: The size code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report well completion code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Top plug used  Name: topPlug  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Top plug used? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 47 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENTING TOP PLUG INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if a 'cementing top plug' was used during the 'wellbore primary cementing job'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore primary cementing job'.|Role 1: A code stating if a 'cementing top plug' was used, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'well casing assembly' shall have a 'cementing top plug' as a part.|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Bottom plug used  Name: botPlug  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Bottom plug used. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 48 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENTING BOTTOM PLUG INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if a 'cementing bottom plug' was used during the 'wellbore primary cementing job'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore primary cementing job'.|Role 1:A code stating if a 'cementing bottom plug' was used, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'well casing assembly' shall have a 'cementing bottom plug' as a part.|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Plug bumped  Name: plugBumped  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Plug bumped? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 49 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENTING PLUG BUMPING FAILURE INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if a 'cementing top plug bumping' took place or not during the 'wellbore primary cementing job'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore primary cementing job'.|Role 2: A code stating if the 'cementing top plug' landed on the 'cementing bottom plug' or 'landing collar', Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'cementing top plug bumping' took place and this shall be recorded by....|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action is to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Plug bump pressure  Name: presBump  Type: pressureMeasure  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Pressure plug bumped.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 50 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. PLUG BUMP PRESSURE – BAR A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'plug bump pressure' of a 'wellbore injected cement slurry object‘ measured in 'bar'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore injected cement slurry object’.|Role 2: The pressure in 'bar'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Float held  Name: floatHeld  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Float held? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (of "0").  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 51 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. FLOAT FAILURE INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if a float failed or not during a 'wellbore cementing job'. If the float failed, the value is "Yes/Y". If the float did not fail, the value is "No/Blank". Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore cementing job'.|Role 1:A code stating if a full return took place, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the......|Note 2. If the code is "N" the.....

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Pressure release time  Name: eTimPresRelease  Type: timestamp  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Time pressure Release  Example input value: T12:00:00.000Z  Example output value: :00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 52 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELLBORE CEMENTING JOB PRESSURE RELEASE DATE AND TIME - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the start date/time for a ‘wellbore cementing job pressure releasing’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore cementing job pressure releasing’.|Role 2: The start date/time in the format ‘YYYY-MM- DDTHH:MM’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Full returns  Name: annFlowAfter  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Fluid returns. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 53 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENTING FULL RETURN INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if some or all of the mud/circulation fluid comes back to the surface after beeing pumped down the drill pipe on a drilling rig during a cementing job. If all mud circulation fluid comes back, the value is "Yes/Y". If not, the value is "No/Blank". Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore cementing job'.|Role 1:A code stating if a full return took place, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'wellbore cementing job' shall be classified as a 'wellbore full return cementing job'|Note 2. If the code is "N" the actual 'wellbore cementing job' shall be classified as a 'wellbore partial return cementing job'

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Cement volume returns  Name: volReturns  Type: volumeMeasureCubicMetre  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Volume of returns.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 54 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELLBORE RETURNED CEMENT SLURRY VOLUME - METRE CUBED A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'wellbore returned cement slurry volume' of a 'wellbore returned cement slurry object‘ measured in 'metre cubed'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore returned cement slurry object’.|Role 2: The volume in 'metre cubed'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Reciprocated  Name: reciprocated  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Pipe being reciprocated. values are "true"(1) and "false"(0).  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 55 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CASING STRING RECIPROCATION INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if an actual 'well casing assembly' was subjected to 'well casing assembly reciprocation' A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if an actual 'well casing assembly' was subjected to 'well casing assembly reciprocation' during the 'wellbore cementing job'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore cementing job'.|Role 1: A code stating if reciprocation took place, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'well casing assembly' shall be made a subclass of 'reciprocated well assembly'.|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Rotated  Name: rotated  Type: logicalBoolean  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Casing string being rotated. Values are "true(1) and "false"(0).  Example input value: true  Example output value: yes Insert "Title, Author, Date" 56 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CASING STRING ROTATION INDICATOR - Y/N A ‘template input list’ recording the input required to state if an actual 'well casing assembly' was subjected to 'well casing assembly rotation' during the 'wellbore cementing job'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual 'wellbore cementing job'.|Role 1: A code stating if rotation took place, Y or N|Note 1. If the code is "Y" the actual 'well casing assembly' shall be made a subclass of 'rotated well casing assembly'.|Note 2. If the code is "N" no action to be taken

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Comments  Name: comments  Type: commentString  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Comments for a cement job.  Example input value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum.  Example output value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Insert "Title, Author, Date" 57 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT DRILLING FLUID COMMENT INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to record a comment related to a 'drilling fluid'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘drilling fluid’.|Role 2: The actual text string.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Fluid Type  Name: typeFluid  Type: fluidTypes  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Fluid type: Mud, Wash, Spacer, Slurry.  Example input value: T12:00:00.000Z  Example output value: 12:00 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 58 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT WELLBORE CEMENTING JOB DRILLING FLUID PURPOSE INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the purpose of a fluid involved in a particular ‘wellbore cementing job’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore cementing job’.|Role 2: The code of the purpose of the actual 'drilling fluid'.|Note: The code shall be a member of the ‘daily drilling report wellbore cementing job drilling fluid purpose code string class’.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Volume pumped  Name: volPumped  Type: volumeMeasureCubicMetre  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Volume Pumped.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 59 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. WELLBORE PUMPED CEMENT SLURRY VOLUME - METRE CUBED A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'wellbore pumped cement slurry volume' of a 'wellbore pumped cement slurry object‘ measured in 'metre cubed'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore pumped cement slurry object’.|Role 2: The volume in 'metre cubed'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Fluid density  Name: density  Type: densityMeasure  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Fluid density  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 60 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENT SLURRY SPECIFIC GRAVITY A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the ‘specific gravity’ of a ‘wellbore pumped cement slurry object’. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore pumped cement slurry object’.|Role 2: The value derived from the calculation.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Yield point  Name: yp  Type: specificVolumeMeasureCubicFeetPer94PoundSack  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Yield point (Bingham and Herschel Bulkley models).  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 61 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENT SLURRY YIELD - FOOT CUBED PER SACK A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'cement slurry yield' of a particular 'cement slurry', measured in 'foot cubed per sack'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Mix water ratio  Name: ratioMixWater  Type: specificVolumeMeasureUsGallonsPerSack94  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Mix water ratio.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 62 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENT SLURRY WATER CEMENT RATIO - GALLON PER SACK A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'volume per mass' of a 'cement slurry' measured in 'gallon per sack'.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Free water  Name: pcFreeWater  Type: volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Test free water na: = mL/250ML.  Example input value: 15  Example output value: 15 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 63 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. CEMENT SLURRY FREE WATER - PERCENT A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to state the percentage of free water in a cement slurry. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore cement slurry’.|Role 2: The value in percent for the actual measurement.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Thick time  Name: eTimThickening  Type: timeMeasureHour  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Test thickening time.  Example input value: 5  Example output value: 5 Insert "Title, Author, Date" 64 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. EXPECTED CEMENT SLURRY THICKENNIG TIME - HOURS A 'template input list' that is the list of entries required to state the 'wellbore cement slurry thickening time' of a 'wellbore downhole cement slurry thickening' process measured in 'hour'. Role 1: The identifier of the actual ‘wellbore downhole cement slurry thickening’ activity.|Role 2: The accumulated time in hours

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Fluid description  Name: descFluid  Type: descriptionString  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Fluid description  Example input value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Example output value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Insert "Title, Author, Date" 65 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT DRILLING FLUID DESCRIPTION INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to record the description of a 'drilling fluid'. Role 1: The identifier for the actual ‘wellbore cementing job’,|Role 2: The actual text string.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Comments  Name: comments  Type: commentString  minOccurs: 0  maxOccurs: 1  Description: Comments for cementing fluid.  Example input value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Example output value: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor condimentum mi nec dictum. Quisque sodales lacinia lobortis. Donec interdum. Insert "Title, Author, Date" 66 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. DAILY DRILLING REPORT DRILLING FLUID COMMENT INPUT LIST A ‘template input list’ that is the input required to record a comment related to a 'drilling fluid'. DAILY DRILLING REPORT DRILLING FLUID COMMENT INPUT LIST

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Perforation Information Insert "Title, Author, Date" 67 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

| Sector, Alliance, Offering Duration Well Perf  Type: Calculated field  Example output value: 15H Insert "Title, Author, Date" 68 © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Ønskes denne?

| Sector, Alliance, Offering More information Daily Drilling Report Elements, Yao Bo Lu, 11/ © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Please contact: Stein Arve Finnestad Yao Bo Lu

The information contained in this presentation is proprietary. ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved