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Afternoon Workshop on Specials 08/02/2011. Specials: the current regional picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Afternoon Workshop on Specials 08/02/2011. Specials: the current regional picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Afternoon Workshop on Specials 08/02/2011

2 Specials: the current regional picture

3 Afternoon Workshop Agenda

4 Unlicensed Manufactured Medicines ‘specials’ East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub Stephanie Sprakes Pharmacy Procurement Project Manager

5 East of England Specials sourcing group Multi-disciplinary group Formed in 2008 To provide guidance and resources to prescribers across the East of England National/regional updates Sharing of best practice

6 Specials prescribing toolkit

7 Specials prescribing toolkit v0.2 Additions to include:  Section on vitamin D  Section on eye drops  Section on medication errors in children  Expanded section on patients with swallowing difficulties  Expanded section on patient information  Any other suggestions…………..

8 Work with University of East Anglia The specials sourcing group has worked with Professor David Wright over the last two years For final year students they are now running a workshop dedicated to specials

9 Hub website

10 Future  Cost effective Specials manufacturers  The Specials Sourcing Group  Revised toolkit published  Local benchmarking?

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