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The Structure of Language It is another important part or component of language. The structure of a language, some referred to as grammar is the way in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Structure of Language It is another important part or component of language. The structure of a language, some referred to as grammar is the way in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Structure of Language It is another important part or component of language. The structure of a language, some referred to as grammar is the way in which words are put together to form phrases or sentences.

2 Inflected language: Latin An inflected language makes use of endings attached to words. Word order in not important in an inflected language. The ending indicated the function of the words in the sentence. Example: 1)Petrus videt Paulum. 2) Petrus Paulum videt. 3) Videt Petrus Paulum. Peter sees Paul.

3 Is English an inflectional language? No. Word order is very important in English. It can change the meaning of the sentence completely. Peter sees Paul. Paul sees Peter.

4 Word order in sentences can vary from one language to another. For example: German vs. English It is said that German speakers interrupt each less frequently than do English speakers. Why? English: I think that you should do your work now. German: I think you now your work do should. Key words that conveys the important aspect of meaning come at the end of a German sentence.

5 Stress: is the emphasis that we give a sound or a word. In English, the stress put on a word in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence. He would leave now. Your example?

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