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Welcome to the P.A.C.E. Class Room 1 Mrs. Williams Supernet Virtual High School Study Island Please click on the on each slide to hear important information.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the P.A.C.E. Class Room 1 Mrs. Williams Supernet Virtual High School Study Island Please click on the on each slide to hear important information."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to the P.A.C.E. Class Room 1 Mrs. Williams Supernet Virtual High School Study Island Please click on the on each slide to hear important information.

3 Many schools are now offering high- quality online courses in high school because they want to give students skills they will need in college, where online courses are increasingly more common.

4 WHS is going to use Supernet Virtual High School online courses for many of our PACE students. (these can be accessed at school and at home)

5 Our classroom will be like a puzzle Many different pieces...creating a "SLC"...a student learning community.

6 Your "teachers" will be your online instructors ~ Mrs. Williams’ job is to be a facilitator. I will be helping you: Stay organized and on task Find online resources when you need help Communicate with your online teacher Proctor your semester exams Assist with computer/technology problems etc, etc, etc

7 Every computer lab has to have some rules: Changing any settings on the computers or adding/removing software or hardware is a violation of your Acceptable Use Policy and could result in your loss of computer privileges. Computers will not be used to play games...NO EXCEPTIONS. Laser Printer will be used sparingly; you may be required to pay for excessive printing. Sit at your assigned computer and leave it orderly & clean when you leave; straighten keyboard/mouse and push in your chair.

8 No food or drinks can come through the door...I will dispose of it if I see it. No MP3 players or similar electronic devices. Cell phones will be turned in when entering classroom- You will be able to earn them once your goals for the class you are currently working on is completed. Web sites you visit must be directly related to your assigned course unless you have special permission. We speak quietly and politely to each other at all times. This lab is a student learning community …so we must insist:

9 Do not walk in to this class empty need to bring the following EVERY DAY Pencil, pen, map colors, etc. Notebook for taking notes in your course(s) Your new Academic Planner (hall pass section will be used ANY TIME you wish to leave the room) and MUST be brought to class every day. Your own earbuds or headphones (leave here!) Many courses have imbedded videos, therefore, you will need your own earbuds as part of your supplies. Any other materials required for your online course. This lab is a student learning community … so we must insist:

10 The ONLY thing you will allowed to work on is your assigned course(s)... This class is NOT a study hall for your other classes. However, once you have successfully completed the daily goals that have been set, you can earn the privilege of working on other assignments…


12 Supernet students should check your Gaggle email messages every day! When you log in to your course, check for messages and feedback from online teachers.

13 Your Gaggle email and Moodle messages ARE NOT private ! They are to be used for educational purposes only.


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