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SPIESSPIES LEARNING GOAL: I can see myself as a full human being made in the image of God through prayer, the incarnation, and the challenges I face from.

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Presentation on theme: "SPIESSPIES LEARNING GOAL: I can see myself as a full human being made in the image of God through prayer, the incarnation, and the challenges I face from."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPIESSPIES LEARNING GOAL: I can see myself as a full human being made in the image of God through prayer, the incarnation, and the challenges I face from society. being made in the image of God through prayer, the incarnation, and the challenges I face from society


3 S stands for Spirituality Learning Goal: I can understand all the different aspects of the human person: Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. I understand how our actions are a requirement for living out our faith. Success Criteria: I will understand the importance of prayer for spirituality I will know and understand the different types of prayer I will create a prayer of my own I will make connections between faith and action

4 S stands for Spirituality Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. 4 Corners Activity 1. How do you see/picture God? 2. Where do you find God? 3. Where and how is God at work in our world? 4. How do you communicate with God?

5 SPIRITUALITY Personal recognition of the presence of God, need for God and the need to take time to build a relationship with God God is complete and humans are incomplete. Spirituality is a journey to be as close to God as possible What this reminds us is: God exists God is present in our world I need to build a relationship with God to feel complete I can always work and try to be more like God through my actions and thoughts People build this relationship through …. prayer, meditation, going to Church, dance, music, gardening, playing, writing, art, kind actions, or others… ?

6 S stands for Spirituality What does it mean to “believe in God”? TRUST even though we have no physical proof other than the Eucharist We trust: In the presence of God That God invites us into relationship That God is caring, merciful, and loves unconditionally That God gives us Free Will

7 How does a person live a “Spiritual Life”? Prayer AND Action


9 Prayer … Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. is communication with God can be done in the privacy or in community can be made up or we can use ideas and methods developed by others (rituals or set structures)

10 S stands for Spirituality Five Types of Prayer

11 Adoration Prayer Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. In this type of prayer, we praise the greatness of God, and we acknowledge our dependence on Him in all things The Mass and the other liturgies of the Church are full of prayers of this sort, such as the Gloria (or Glory to God). Saying things like, “God, you are so great and so wonderful!” and singing religious songs because when we sing, we pray twice. (St. Augustine)

12 Contrition Prayer Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. We acknowledge our sinfulness and ask God for his forgiveness and mercy Eg. Going to confession: “Forgive me Father for I have sinned…”

13 Thanksgiving Prayer Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. Thanking God for the things that happen to us and the things in our lives (i.e). Grace Before Meals, “Thank you God for my family and friends”, …

14 Petition or Intercession Prayer Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. Asking God to provide things for us, things we want, things we need, etc. (petition) Or asking God for something on behalf of something or someone else. (intercession) Eg. “God, please help me pass this test!” “God, please heal my grandmother.”

15 Silent Prayer Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. As part of the communication of prayer, we also have to allow God to speak to us. By remaining silent, we give him the opportunity to speak while we listen Eg. Meditation, Reflecting, etc.

16 Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. Prayer Activity -There will be 5 groups and each group will have a “type of prayer” assigned to them. -As a group, you will create a prayer for the type of prayer you were given. -You will write that prayer on your chart paper and present it to the class. Success Criteria:  Every member of the group will participate in the creation of the prayer.  The prayer will meet the criteria for the “type” of prayer it is.  The prayer will be written neatly on chart paper.  Every member will participate in the presentation of the prayer.

17 S stands for Spirituality Learning Goal: I understand the importance of prayer for my Spiritual being. I understand how our actions are a requirement for living out our faith. Success Criteria: I will understand the importance of prayer for spirituality I will know and understand the different types of prayer I will create a prayer of my own I will make connections between faith and action

18 Learning Goal: I understand how our actions are a requirement for living out our faith. What does “faith without works is dead” mean? Independently, write a paragraph and answer this question. You will be invited to share your answer with the class.

19 Learning Goal: I understand how our actions are a requirement for living out our faith. Matthew 25:31-46 The Final Judgment What 6 actions are mentioned? 1) Give food to the hungry 2) Provide water/drink for those who need it. 3) Give clothes to those who don’t have clothing. 4) Welcome/befriend the stranger. 5) Care for others in their needs (sick in mind or body) 6) Visit people who are sick or in prison.

20 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goal: I will understand how the “physical” aspect of the human person operates. Read page 18-19 “Zeke and Finnigan” as class from the textbook In groups, answer the 4 questions at the end of page 20. (Assign one recorder) We will be sharing our answers with the class.

21 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goal: I will understand how the “physical” aspect of the human person operates. Copy out the chart below in your notebooks and fill it out independently: How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you? How would you like others to see you?

22 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goal: I will understand what congruence means and how often times how we see ourselves is different from how people see us. What is Congruence? Congruence is the situation where how you see yourself, how you think others see you and how you want to be seen are similar not identical (identical is impossible). Often we can be hard on ourselves:  We see ourselves as less that we are or we just focus on the weaknesses  We think others have a poor view of us  We hope to be someone we cannot be

23 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty THE “PERFECT” PERSON? WHAT DO WE DEFINE AS “PERFECT”? Gender group activity List qualities of the PERFECT male/female who is 13 or 14 years old. Each group will share their answers while I write them out on the board

24 Using your scale from 1 to 10, rate the following people based on their beauty. 1 is the lowest; 10 is the highest

25 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

26 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

27 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

28 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

29 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

30 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

31 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

32 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

33 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

34 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

35 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty

36 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty How are we “rated”? Create a scale from 1-10 in your books and answer the following questions: –How does the media and advertising rate the perfect human? –Where would you rate your favourite male actor on this scale? –Where would you rate your favourite female actor on this scale? –The person you are dating / have a crush on? –Where would you rate your best friend on this scale? –Where would you rate yourself on this scale?

37 P is for PHYSICAL Learning Goals: I understand the impact of the media on my understanding of beauty I will understand that the physical aspect of every human being goes beyond their outward beauty What do scales tell us? Are people rated often? Recognize that a scale exists in all of us and that this scale is what many of us use to judge others. We treat others and ourselves, usually in a hurtful way.

38 “Boys will be boys” “Act like a man” “Be ladylike” “Don’t be so emotional” Always Commercial: Ban Bossy Ban Bossy Choose one of these ‘sayings’ and explain how it develops stereotypes about gender


40 Learning Goals: I am able to identify the value of my physical self in light of the incarnation I recognize my place in the body of Christ Agenda: Record the first paragraph of “Incarnation” on p.22 in your notes Read, “A Body Fit for God” on pages 22-24 Answer 1-2 (p.24) P stands for Physical

41 Learning Goals: I am able to identify the value of my physical self in light of the 5 th commandment. I recognize my place in the body of Christ Agenda: The 5 th Commandment: “You Shall Not Kill” Read page 24 and answer 1-3 The Body of Christ Read pages 25-26 (1Corinthians Passage and “Why Me Lord?” P stands for Physical

42 Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) Christ Has No Body Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. Head-eyes-nose-ears-mouth-torso-arms-hands-legs-feet *How will you be this part of Christ’s body in the world this week?

43 Multiple Intelligences

44 Picture SmartPicture Smart Like pictures Understand ideas by drawing a diagram or looking at a picture Enjoy drawing, creating, designing, imagining and using colour

45 People Smart Enjoy having friends People ask them for advice They understand people easily They love to learn in a group They need to discuss ideas with other people to learn

46 Music Smart Likes music Enjoy hearing rhythms and sounds Learn by associating patterns with sounds

47 Self Smart They know themselves well Enjoy working alone or pursuing their own interests They need to have their own space They learn best by being given a choice in assignments

48 Word Smart Like words Enjoy reading, telling stories and writing Great talkers Sensitive to how other people use words to express themselves Learns by saying, hearing and seeing words

49 Number Smart Like numbers Enjoy patterns and looking at relationships between ideas Good at math, thinking things through, applying logic, and problem solving Learns by categorizing

50 Body Smart Like to move Enjoy when they can use their hands or become involved with their bodies Do not like to sit still for long periods of time Learn by moving around

51 Nature Smart Like to be outdoors Enjoy camping and organizing the natural world They find it easy to classify leaves, rocks and bugs Known to have a “green thumb” Learn best through nature, linking ideas to the environment

52 Intelligences and Careers Determine and identify the intelligences of the following famous people… Be prepared to explain why you have chose that specific intelligence.












64 Emotional Self Learning Goals: I understand that my emotions are a gift from God to help in making decisions between right and wrong. (Emotional)

65 Emotional Self Emotions An emotion is a mental and physical reaction to a wide range of feelings, thoughts and behaviours Emotions are different for everyone and are based on your personality and individual point of view Often people talk about someone’s emotions as their mood, temperament, personality and disposition.

66 Emotional Self Emotions range from basic or simple emotions to more complex ones and often an emotion may start small and then grow in intensity Some emotions are very quick like surprise, but others can last years like the feeling of love People can have reactions to emotions that show in their behaviours such as crying, fighting or leaving the situation, but this is also different for each individual.

67 Emotional Self It is important to remember that our emotions can be connected to our actions, so we need to learn to balance our emotions and actions by learning to make good decisions by thinking them through (using our intellect)

68 Emotional Self Discuss as a class: Do our emotions change as we age?

69 Emotional Self Learning Goals: I understand that my emotions are a gift from God to help in making decisions between right and wrong. (Emotional) Text Book Work: Read pages 37-40 Questions pg 41 #1-4

70 Emotional Self How to Handle Your Emotions Complete the following questions on a separate piece of paper: 1) Many teenagers have mood swings due to the many changes they are experiencing. What are some of the changes teenagers experience? Why do you suppose these affect their moods? 2) Are some emotions more difficult to express than others? Which ones? Why do you think this happens? 3) How do we decide or know when and how it is appropriate to express our feelings? 4) What are some positive ways to deal with anger? 5) What are some negative ways to deal with anger? 6) Girls and boys tend to have different views about whether it is okay to cry. What do you think? Explain your answer.

71 Emotional Self 3) Identifying our Feelings Task: Fill out your worksheet a) give the feeling a name b) Identify the intensity of the feeling

72 S stands for SOCIAL Learning Goals: I understand that Jesus is model of inclusivity and that I am expected to do the same within the various communities I am a part of. (Social)

73 Agenda Define Self Esteem (compare to bragging) Individuals with High vs. Low Self Esteem Why Build Self Esteem? Inclusion vs. Exclusion

74 What is self esteem? How is it similar/different from Bragging? Self Esteem is…. Feeling confident in who you really are Priorities Knowing you can express yourself without fear of other’s opinions Believing in yourself You can have high or low self esteem (may change day by day) – some days you are the statue and others days you are the pigeon Maybe you are afraid of other’s opinions No confidence Positive self thought Sometimes people’s self esteem is ‘too high’ and they think they are better than others (bragging) Bragging often happens when people have low confidence (trying to prove something) – low self worth

75 High vs. Low self esteem Divide class in half (high / low self esteem groups) Each group is going to present our classroom friend (Jesse) as having HIGH self esteem or LOW self esteem Divide the bullets up Provide a concrete example of how Jesse is living this description out tell us Jesse’s story!

76 What builds or destroys it? High Self EsteemLow Self Esteem -Compliments -Have some success in achieving goals -When you make a team, get a scholarship -Realizing gifts and talents -When others help you realize -INCLUDING PEOPLE or inviting them -Give high fives or tens -Chirps -Insults -EXCLUSION -Gossip and rumours -When you don’t make teams -When you poorly on tests -If you get talked down to -Sarcastic to you -When you don’t do something well anymore

77 Why build self esteem in a school community? Increases success for all students Decreases failing grades Reduces the drop out rate Increases a student’s positive attitude about learning Increases student involvement in co-curriculars Increases motivation Makes students feel better about themselves Makes students feel better about others Reduces bullying and the need to make fun of others Makes school a safer and better place for everyone.

78 Inclusion vs. Exclusion Describe all of the different kinds of groups that you have (perhaps) been a part of, that could potentially practice exclusion How does it feel when you are in charge of creating such a list? How does it feel when you are not on that list? What feelings (emotions) go along with being included or excluded?

79 Inclusion and exclusion When we exclude people we limit their ability to grow and experience life fully (Exclusion) We also lose out on their gifts/talents when we exclude them. Jesus teaches that we have a responsibility to meet the needs of all human people. (Inclusion) We are required as Christians to put the needs of the poor first so that they can be included in all things in life Human beings are SOCIAL – this means that we are made to be in relationship and community with others

80 Learning Goal: I will be able to recognize how all levels of SPIES operates in the movie “October Baby” and specifically, in the life of Hannah.

81 Test Review The unit test will be made up of true or false, matching, filling out charts, and short answer questions. These are the main concepts you will need to study so that you are prepared for the test: Trip and Journey The 5 Types of Prayer SPIES Spirituality (Faith and Action and Matthew’s passage from the Gospel on the Final Judgement) The 5 th Commandment The Types of Smarts in relation to yourself Emotion and examples of how to appropriately display certain emotions Inclusive vs. Exclusive You will be asked to apply the movie October Baby to different parts of the test.

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