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Igniting Streams of Learning with Berkshire High school Students And overview of our stay at Hiram College.

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Presentation on theme: "Igniting Streams of Learning with Berkshire High school Students And overview of our stay at Hiram College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igniting Streams of Learning with Berkshire High school Students And overview of our stay at Hiram College

2 PHWH Streams ~The very first project that we did involved Primary Headwater Habitat streams (PHWH). ~We learned how to classify different streams and why it is important to know the health of a stream ~The picture of the stream on the right is the first stream that we classified and evaluated ~We calculated the three metrics (substrate, bank full width, and pebble count)

3 Stream Evaluation ~on this day we separated from our learning communities. We each went into 1 of the 5 different groups. (macroinvertebrates, vertebrates, Physical and Chemical properties of the stream, habitat evaluation, and documentation.) ~To evaluate this stream we used the Citizen Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (CQHEI) form. ~ This stream is a section of the stream we evaluated. This particular part of the stream was used for the physical/chemical. ~Our results were that this stream was close to excellent but very good.

4 Canoeing!!! ~we all had so much fun canoeing!! It was social and fun as well as educational. ~We observed that different plants, organisms, and animals on the shore.

5 Wetlands ~We had a lot of fun classifying wetlands. We learned that there are primarily 4 types of wetlands. They are a fen, marsh, bog, and a swamp. Fen MarshSwamp Bog ~One of the days we observed three different wetlands on the Hiram College property. We resulted that all the wetlands were either recovered or recovered wetlands.

6 Mapping ~during this chapter of our stay at Hiram we learned how to map and area of land and make it is scale ~we had to get a picture from a satellite and draw it ~Then we had to scale it by measuring one area on the land in real life and measure the length on the map, then convert to make a scale. ~We did this mapping exercise so we know how to map a wetland and map it at different points in time to know its history. ~In o ur mapping exercise we had to use this picture to make a scale map of the Hiram College campus. (up)

7 Technology ~While staying at Hiram College Technology was used frequently. For example, we were given iPAQs which really helped us to incorporate technology with science ~Everyday we would reflect on our experience and write a journal entry on our iPAQs ~The day we were suppose to use a PowerPoint to do a presentation for VIPs, but the power went out so we weren’t able to use the computer. So we ended up loading our PowerPoint on our iPAQs. ~In various ways we learned a lot from the iPAQs and the helped us with our experience exploring science and technology.

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