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PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER IN A BEGINNING READERS’ PHONICS LESSON A Project LIFT Training Module 1 CORE - Center at Oregon for Research in Education Module.

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Presentation on theme: "PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER IN A BEGINNING READERS’ PHONICS LESSON A Project LIFT Training Module 1 CORE - Center at Oregon for Research in Education Module."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER IN A BEGINNING READERS’ PHONICS LESSON A Project LIFT Training Module 1 CORE - Center at Oregon for Research in Education Module 3 – Part 3

2 What should the reading block look like?  Early Elementary  Phonemic Awareness Warm-Up (5-10)  Introduce or review sound/spelling (explicit)(10- 15)  Decodable Readers (10)  Robust Vocabulary Instruction (15)  Pre-Reading Activities (5)  During Reading Activities (20)  After Reading Activities (10-15) 2

3 Daily Phonics Lesson: The Goal 3 oioieechoishoichth oichshoaoithoaoith boilcheesecoincoat shoutnoisesheetspoil onceoncepleasesoononce wentonceafteronceagain The noise was loud. Put the sheet down on the bed. Please eat some cheese.

4 Introduce New and Review Previous Sound Spellings  Introducing a sound spelling for the first time  Reviewing a previously taught sound/spelling oi -oi -oy Example: “This is the boy card. Card?___” “This sound is /oi/. Sound? ___” “The spelling is oi. Spelling? ___” oioyaya_eoiay oyaioiaioioy Use Card 2 Routine to review sounds.

5 Blending Sounds Into Words Instructional Routine Options Card 8 – Sound by Sound Blending Card 9 – Continuous Blending Card 10 – Word Reading Spelling Focused Card 10B – Word Reading Spelling Focused Multisyllabic Words boil check coin point bean chin spoil boat moist

6 Daily Phonics Lesson: The Goal 6 oioieechoishoichth oichshoaoithoaoith boilcheesecoincoat shoutnoisesheetspoil onceoncepleasesoononce wentonceafteronceagain The noise was loud. Put the sheet down on the bed. Please eat some cheese.

7 Sight Words 7  Introduce sight word and use it in a sentence.  Say: My turn. The word is ______. Your turn. Word? ______.  Say: Spell ______. Tap under each letter as students spell the word aloud.  Word? _______.

8 Sight Words 8 onceoncepleasesoononce wentonceafteronceagain Use the same procedure from the last slide for the target new sightword (once). For the rest of the words, simply point to the left of the word, say “Word”, tap under the word as the students say it, and continue on to finish the rest of the words.

9 Daily Phonics Lesson: The Goal 9 oioieechoishoichth oichshoaoithoaoith boilcheesecoincoat shoutnoisesheetspoil onceoncepleasesoononce wentonceafteronceagain The noise was loud. Put the sheet down on the bed. Please eat some cheese.

10 Reading Decodable Text “ Touch under the first word. ” “ Ready? Read. ” Correction: My turn. That word is ____. What word? Go back to the beginning of the sentence. When students are ready…Mix it up! -Word by Word -Sentence by Sentence -Page by Page

11 Daily Phonics Lesson: Your Turn 11  Module 3, Activity 6  It is now your turn to create a mini phonics lesson that you would use with your class. In order to complete the activity, you will need to download the following documents from the Module 3, Part 3 materials: 1. Module 3, Activity 6 2. Scope and Sequence of Letter Introductions from previous presentation materials 3. Dolch Sightword List 4. Phonics Lesson Template

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