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Are you a startup looking to create a presence in the all that noise on the internet. Here is a simple plan to get started HootSuite + Word Press = Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you a startup looking to create a presence in the all that noise on the internet. Here is a simple plan to get started HootSuite + Word Press = Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you a startup looking to create a presence in the all that noise on the internet. Here is a simple plan to get started HootSuite + Word Press = Social Media Startup. We will take you through the steps to execute a social media plan using the right tools for any size business.

2 Social Media A lesson in getting you started on the internet.

3 What is social Media Overview of Tools HootSuite Wordpress AGENDA

4 Social Media Explained Confused on what the difference between all the different platforms of social media? Twitter : I am eating an #Apple Facebook : I like apples Four Square : This is where I eat apples Instagram : Here is a vintage photo of my apple You Tube : Here is me eating an apple LinkedIIn : My Skills include apple picking Pintrest : Here is an apple pie recipe G+ : I am a google employee who likes to eat apples

5 Tools 2 - 3 post per day

6 Tools

7 Comparisons Publish to Social Networks Publish to Social Networks Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Foursqare Analytics Reporting Archive of Historical Conversations Organize and track conversations within your team Create Content with Social Canvas Assign tasks to team to respond to posts Assign tasks to specific roles Team member capability Track keywords, every mention of your brand Allows you to track @mentions, create search streams hashtags, geo location Social Listening allows you to track conversations within these social networks Mobile apps

8 Tools

9 Tools WordPress Publishing Tool CRM System Integrating Tool Sell your service or product.

10 Tools Wordpress Provide Feeds to your social networks Include Social Sharing Buttons Promote All Your Social Network Accounts With a Single Sidebar Widget Always keep it fresh

11 JetPack Easy Plugin. Display social sharing buttons for websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and several others after each post or page.

12 Tools

13 The Right Theme What do you want your website to do List the Features Search Themes Understand the limitations Start Creating

14 Tools WordPress Themes

15 Tools Social Management Schedule posts. Social Listening. Connect numerous social media accounts. Provide analytics. Shorten URLs.

16 Tools Social Management Tools

17 Klout Score

18 Thank You Contact: or visit Upcoming HalTech Events: LinkedIn discussion group: Professionals in PJ’s This is a live discussion forum that coincides with HalTech's webinar series with a goal of creating an additional channel to engage experts as a followup to webinar

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