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The General History of Virginia By: Jerrard and Jordan.

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1 The General History of Virginia By: Jerrard and Jordan

2 Characters John Smith Pocahontas Powhatan

3 1 st Conflict John Smith going through a harsh time in his village with no food and only water to drink and all he can do is work and I have a feeling if he keeps working the way he is he will die.

4 2 nd Conflict John Smith is captured by Indians and at first they take him in as one of their own but in their minds they still don’t trust him because he is a white man so they lay his head down on a rock and are about to beat his brains out.

5 Resolution to Conflict As John Smith has his head laid down on a rock awaiting his dead he is then rescued by Chief Powhatans daughter Pochahontas. She leaps out and puts her body overtop of Johns to stop her father from afflicting his brain. So the father stops and thinks and then comes to the conclusion of taking John in as his own son as long as he becomes a tradesmen. So John agrees to it and now has a family and new home.

6 Interesting Facts Pocahontas had love for John Smith but because he was a good friend they could never be together but John had lots of love for her but their love and life together will never be. But Powhatan found out about this love that John had for his daughter and it angered him causing a war between Indians and American. But before the war would start John decides to go back to his original home and he decides not to be a tradesman anymore, but the twist to all of it is that Pocahontas never find out about John leaving she is told that he was killed and she went off to marry John Rolfe.

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