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Delivery Location & Personnel

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1 Delivery Location & Personnel
Objective 3.03

2 Home Delivery Advantages Disadvantages Low cost Close to family
Lack of sterile utensils and equipment Unprepared for high risk complications

3 Standard Hospital Delivery
Advantages Disadvantages Focuses on safe delivery for mother and baby Mother’s comfort is addressed. She is moved to a recovery room and then to a regular room Baby stays in nursery and brought into mother’s room periodically Family is in waiting room Husband may or may not be present Rules for visitors may be fairly strict

4 Birthing Room Delivery
Advantages Disadvantages Father is encouraged to participate in labor and delivery Children and other family members may also be present Mother’s comfort is important Baby stays in the room with mother, called “rooming – in” Most couples attend prepared child birth classes Midwife or certified nurse is present throughout the pregnancy

5 Natural Childbirth Advantages Disadvantages
Very little sedation so mother and baby are alert before, during, and after delivery Takes less time to recover May be more painful

6 Lamaze Method Advantages Disadvantages
Parents prepare themselves for birth Control contractions by breathing and muscle control techniques. Husband or coach helps comfort mother Take weekly classes

7 Leboyer Method Advantages Disadvantages
Focuses on baby’s birth experience Make birth less shocking and more comfortable for the baby Atmosphere is comfortable Have to take classes Plan early in pregnancy

8 Obstetrician Advantages Disadvantages
Has latest information on delivery High demand

9 Family Doctor Advantages Disadvantages Availability
Has to call obstetrician if there are any complications

10 Licensed Midwife Advantages Disadvantages Lower cost
Advanced training in normal pregnancy and birth May not be prepared to hand emergency situations

11 Doula Advantages Disadvantages
Give information to expectant mother and answer and questions they might have beforehand. Guide a woman through relaxation exercises during labor Not required to have medical training

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