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Recommending a Strategy Goal and Objective –Reducing cars accident –Make people aware of accident and educated with knowledge, moral, social responsible.

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Presentation on theme: "Recommending a Strategy Goal and Objective –Reducing cars accident –Make people aware of accident and educated with knowledge, moral, social responsible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommending a Strategy Goal and Objective –Reducing cars accident –Make people aware of accident and educated with knowledge, moral, social responsible.

2 Present Situation Less than 70% of motocycle riders in Thailand using helmet and 80% of them do not carried the licenses while they were on the road. The Death of cars accident is the 1st highest death cause in Thailand.

3 Strategies Recommended Strategies –Legalized “Motorcycle sells with 1-2 helmets.” –Classified type of driving license by skill and allow the specific drivers can drive in the specific time ( night and day ) depend on their skill and driving experience. Advantages –The road become more safety. Disadvantages –Travelling in the city become difficulties.

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