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Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor Training Jane Flynn School Improvement Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor Training Jane Flynn School Improvement Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor Training Jane Flynn School Improvement Adviser

2 Aims for the Session Outline the legislation guiding safeguarding practice in schools To understand the difference and links between child protection and safeguarding To discuss some of the emerging and growing concerns in safeguarding Discuss the wide range of responsibilities governing bodies have related to safeguarding

3 The Legislation Guiding Safeguarding Policies in Schools Keeping children safe in education: statutory guidance for schools and colleges (2015) Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) statutory guidance London Child Protection Procedures, 5 th Edn.(2015) Information Sharing (2015) What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused (2015) Children Act 1989 Children Act 2004 Education Act 2002 Children and Families Act 2014

4 Children Act 2002 (S175) LA and governing bodies of maintained schools have a legal duty to make arrangements for ensuring that the function conferred on them are exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. ( This means that the welfare of children must be considered in ALL decisions made)

5 What is the difference between Child Protection and Safeguarding?

6 Safeguarding Child Protection Restraint Staff conduct Curriculum Allegations against staff Health & Safety Safe Recruitment Whisleblowing Behaviour Management Preventing Bullying Intimate care

7 Categories of abuse Neglect: Failure to provide for needs, including emotional needs Sexual abuse: including access to pornography and inappropriate materials, sexualised behaviour or contact. Physical abuse: including physical hurt and all forms of inappropriate restraint Emotional Abuse: negatively affects the viewpoint of the individual about him/herself, part of all abuse

8 The Changing Safeguarding Agenda On- line grooming Child Sexual Exploitation p14 (KCSIE) Children missing from Education p13 (KCSIE) Child trafficking Female genital mutilation – p14 (KCSIE) Risk of radicalisation / PREVENT p15/16 (KCSIE)

9 Governing bodies have a wide range of responsibilities related to Safeguarding (Activity 1)

10 Safeguarding & Ofsted 2015 Good schools will receive a one day inspection, two judgements will be made; Is safeguarding effective? Is this still a good school? There is guidance for inspectors focused solely on safeguarding – 28 pages of expectations and evidence required…

11 Ofsted 2015 Framework Safeguarding: The HMI will scrutinise the SCR (Single Central Register). Good practice is that this is reviewed termly by the Head teacher and Safeguarding Governor Staff should have read (and signed that they have read) ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ There should be evidence that staff have had appropriate training, including training linked to the Prevent Agenda Policies and processes which are in place to safeguard children must be robust and known to all staff The school will be asked if there have been any safeguarding incidents since the previous inspection (and will want to see evidence of how they were dealt with)

12 Associated policies and processes which must be robust Staff code of conduct Whistle blowing Managing allegations against staff & volunteers Managing allegations against other children Health and safety Positive handling/restraint Social media policy Safer recruitment Behaviour Anti bullying Intimate care

13 Safeguarding Lead Governor See Checklist – share with lead for Safeguarding in your school

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