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WHAT IS SAFE GUARDING Tutorials. During this lesson you will learn  What safe guarding means  How you can keep yourself and others safe.  The college.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS SAFE GUARDING Tutorials. During this lesson you will learn  What safe guarding means  How you can keep yourself and others safe.  The college."— Presentation transcript:


2 During this lesson you will learn  What safe guarding means  How you can keep yourself and others safe.  The college policy on safe guarding and where to find information.  What the procedure is for disclosure.

3 Starter activity  Define what safe guarding means to you  List 5 ways you can keep yourself safe  List 5 ways you can keep yourself safe online and on the phone.

4 Definition of safe guarding  The government has defined the term ‘safeguarding children' as:  The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully."  (Source: Working together to safeguard children, 2006)

5 What is Safeguarding? Child protection looks at recognising abuse and neglect and acting on it... Safeguarding looks at keeping vulnerable adults safe from a wider range of potential harm, and delivers preventative action, not just reaction.

6 Vulnerable Adults Any person... Receiving Health Care or under care or service for: Learning disability Physical or sensory impairment Mental illness including dementia Old and frail In Custody or under a probation order Lifestyle issues EG

7 Types of Abuse  Neglect  Physical - bullying  Emotional  Sexual  Financial E-abuse – cyber-bullying, grooming, porn  Content, Commerce, Contact, Conduct

8 Who may be the abuser?  Vulnerable adult(s) may be abused by a  wide range of people including relatives and family members, professional staff, paid care workers, volunteers, other service users, neighbours, friends and associates, people who deliberately exploit vulnerable people and strangers.

9 What safe guarding means for you  Safeguarding means:  Promotion of your health and development  Ensuring your safety and care  Ensuring you are offered the best life chances  Protection from abuse and neglect  Preventing bullying and harassment

10 Starter activity  List 5 ways you can keep yourself safe  List 5 ways you can keep yourself safe online and on the phone.

11 signs of abuse  Low self esteem or confidence, phobias,  Changes in personality, performance or behaviour  Distrust, Anxiety, Secrecy, Self-harm, Panic attacks, Inappropriate behaviour

12 Information to disclose to tutors  Students and their friends may disclose information that suggests their welfare may be at risk. E.g.  Worries over bullying/intimidation in or out of College  Moving out of home  Alcohol, drug or substance misuse  Self harm  Eating disorders  Suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide  Depression or other mental health issues  Involvement in illegal activity  Pregnancy  Bereavement or serious family illness

13 Important information Don’t chat to strangers Socialise more off-line Ask before you post an image Ask before you open an unknown email or link Ask before you meet an online friend Treat everyone with respect Don’t react online - get help and record (Screengrab) Password advice - Construct well, vary, don’t share, Explain and rehearse the reporting process Promote discussion and be available – (evidence)

14 What is Safe guarding  Every student is expected to feel safe and protected from any form of abuse which, in this policy, means any kind of neglect, non ‐ accidental physical injury, sexual exploitation or emotional ill ‐ treatment.  There is a wide range of adults to whom students can turn for help. E.g. Lecturers tutors and Programme Managers.

15 Safe guarding policy  College recognises that members of staff and students have a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults, and preventing their abuse.  The aim of this policy is to demonstrate college commitment to safeguard all students that are aged under 18 or vulnerable from harm.  This policy focuses on protection from abuse and neglect and is designed to provide a basic procedure which should be followed in the circumstances defined below.

16 The objectives of the policy are:  to establish and maintain an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to;  to ensure students know there are members of staff whom they can approach if they are worried;  to include opportunities in the tutorial curriculum for students to develop the skills they need to stay safe from harm.

17 Disclosure Procedure  Allegations are taken seriously and suspicions are reported  There is a disclosure process and policy to follow  tutors will affirm your decision to tell them, tutors will show they believe you,  Tutors have to report it, try to find medical help and protect you if needed,  Tutors will be calm and listen carefully and record what is said.

18 WKC policy  The College aims to create a culture of security for its students, which demonstrates its concern for their welfare and safety; it also aims to provide a place where students will feel they can talk openly and will be listened to. The Safeguarding Policy is one aspect of this safe and secure culture

19 Confidentiality  Confidentiality is an issue which is taken seriously and is made clear.  discussion, particularly in the context of child protection. Efforts are always made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned. Information are handled and disseminated on a need to know basis only.

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