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FIELD GEOMETRY FOR MULTICHANNEL SEISMIC (MCS) PROFILES Introduction to Seismic Reflection Imaging: Pt 2.

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Presentation on theme: "FIELD GEOMETRY FOR MULTICHANNEL SEISMIC (MCS) PROFILES Introduction to Seismic Reflection Imaging: Pt 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIELD GEOMETRY FOR MULTICHANNEL SEISMIC (MCS) PROFILES Introduction to Seismic Reflection Imaging: Pt 2

2 Layouts for (A)a comon-shot gather; (B)a cmmon mid-point gather; and (C)a common receiver gather.

3 Sequence of survey layouts to acquire a 6-fold coverage; S indicates the source and G a geophone (or hydrophone). Fold = N/2n where N = total number of receiver groups; n = number of group intervals moved between shots



6 Results of common mid-point (CMP) stacks showing improvement in imaging for summations of 6, 18 and 48 shot-receiver pairs.

7 A.Composite shallow reflection record made up of five separate 12-channel records, each of which was recorded with a different time delay between the shot instant and the start of recording. B.Corresponding time-distance graph identifying the major seismic events on the record. The optimum window is that range of source-receiver separations that allows the target reflection to be observed without interference from other events.




11 Example of a common mid- point gather

12 Some Examples of Shot Gathers

13 The application of a time-varying gain function to a waveform exhibiting spherical divergence, in order to recover signal amplitudes at later travel times. Gain functions are applied in discrete windows(labelled 1 to 5 as shown).


15 Types of filters: (A) bandpass; (B) low-cut (high-pass); (C) high-cut (low-pass); (D) notch.

16 filtered unfiltered

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