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“California Journey wins top prize at Westminster Dog Show”

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1 “California Journey wins top prize at Westminster Dog Show”

2 The competition was ruff at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, where perfect canines showed off their pageant, poise and form. But California Journey, CJ for short, a German shorthaired pointer prevailed as winner of the Best in Show award on Tuesday night. He is a 3-year-old male and the third dog of his breed to take the top prize. C. J. defeated Rumor, a German shepherd who entered the show as the top purebred dog last year; Lucy, a borzoi, who was the best dog in all breeds in Japan last year; Annabelle, a bulldog who was one of the crowd’s favorites; Bogey, a smiling Samoyed; Panda, a shih tzu; and Charlie, a Skye terrier who lost Best in Show last year Miss P, a beagle. The contest is the second-oldest continuous sporting event in the United States after the Kentucky Derby. Close to 3,000 dogs from around the country compete in the annual show. This year -- the 140th for the show in New York City -- it was an even tougher contest, because the club allowed seven new breeds to compete.

3 In Other News  Skipping Scalia autopsy spawns conspiracy theories autopsy-death-conspiracy-theories/index.html autopsy-death-conspiracy-theories/index.html autopsy-death-conspiracy-theories/index.html  Likely Democratic caucusgoers in Nevada are split almost evenly between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders ahead of Saturday's caucuses, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. Though Clinton holds an edge over Sanders on handling a range of top issues, the results suggest the extremely close race hinges on divided opinions on the economy. Overall, 48% of likely caucus attendees say they support Clinton, 47% Sanders. Both candidates carry their demographic strong points from prior states into Nevada, with Clinton holding an edge among women, while Sanders tops the former secretary of state among voters under age 55.  Have we ever had a poor president? wealth-animation-orig.cnn wealth-animation-orig.cnn wealth-animation-orig.cnn

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