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Phrasal verbs call. call + after [British] [call someone or something after a person or thing] give someone or something the same name as that other person.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrasal verbs call. call + after [British] [call someone or something after a person or thing] give someone or something the same name as that other person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrasal verbs call

2 call + after [British] [call someone or something after a person or thing] give someone or something the same name as that other person or thing

3 call + away [be called away] being asked to stop doing something in order to go somewhere else

4 call + back 1. contact someone who has contacted you previously, often by telephone, or at the place where you last saw them 2. [call someone back] telephone someone again in return for a telephone call they have made to you 3. [call someone back when they are walking away from you] ask someone when they are walking away from you to return

5 call + by  visit a place for a short time, especially when you are going somewhere else afterwards

6 call + down + on [call curses or vengeance down on someone] pray that something unpleasant (curses or vengeance) will happen to someone

7 call + for 1. [call for someone or something] go to the building where someone are to collect them 2. [call for an action] demand that an action should be done 3. something needs a particular action or quality in order to be successful 4. [American] [call someone or something for] give someone or something the same name as that other person or thing

8 call + forth [formal] [call something forth] make something exist

9 call + in 1. [call someone in] ask someone to come and help you or do something for you 2. contact someone you know by visiting them, or by telephoning them 3. [someone call something in] someone ask for something to be returned, for example because it might be dangerous or because it is needed

10 call + off 1. cancel an event or an arrangement that has been planned 2. [call a dog or a person off] order a dog or a person to stop attacking something or someone else

11 call + on 1. [call on someone] pay someone a short visit 2. [call on someone to do something] appeal them to do it 3. [formal] [someone call on something] use something to achieve something

12 call + out 1. [call something out] shout it 2. [call someone out] ask someone to come to help, especially in an emergency 3. [call out a group of workers] order a group of workers to go on strike

13 call + out + for a very strong need for a particular action in a situation

14 call + over 1. [you calls someone over] ask someone to come to you, usually in order to speak to them or to give them something 2. visit someone for a short time

15 call + round  [call round to a place] visit a place for a short time

16 call + up 1. [call someone up] telephone someone up 2. [be called up] someone are ordered to join the army, navy, or air force 3. someone in authority in an activity or event ask them to take part, or choose them to do a particular task 4. [something calls up a memory or an idea of something] something makes you think about a memory or an idea of something 5. [you call up information from a computer] obtain information from a computer

17 call + upon  [be called upon to do something] being asked to do something

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