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Cybersafe and Secure BYHS ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY.  Access to Internet and computer resources should be for educational purposes.  Transmission of copyrighted.

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Presentation on theme: "Cybersafe and Secure BYHS ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY.  Access to Internet and computer resources should be for educational purposes.  Transmission of copyrighted."— Presentation transcript:


2  Access to Internet and computer resources should be for educational purposes.  Transmission of copyrighted material, threatening, profane, or obscene material is prohibited.  Do not upload or download commercial software on school network computers.  Computer hardware or software shall not be destroyed, modified, or abused in any way. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY

3  Network users are expected to follow the generally accepted rules of network etiquette or “netiquette”  Use the school network for educational purposes.  Be polite and use appropriate language.  Use information and equipment in a responsible manner.  Do not reveal personal information or those of other students.  Hate mail, harassment, and discriminatory remarks are prohibited. NETWORK ETIQUETTE

4  You should never open an email from a stranger – it may contain viruses that can harm a computer.  Do not send pictures to strangers or view pictures that strangers send to you.  Passwords should be kept private (except to parents).  People aren’t necessarily who they say they are in cyberspace.  If you plan to meet someone, it should be in a public place, with a friend.  Don't post your location. Social networks allow you to post your location -- but it's just not safe. INTERNET SAFETY BASICS 5

5  There’s no such thing as “private” online.  Anything posted can be seen by or forwarded to strangers, college admissions officers, and potential employers.  This means no embarrassing or cruel posts, no hate speech or groups, no compromising pictures you wouldn’t want the whole world to see.  If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face, you shouldn’t text it, IM it, or post it.  Use social networks’ privacy settings so only your friends can see your stuff.

6  Be a good digital citizen.  Online cheating is still cheating.  Flagging inappropriate content isn’t tattling – it’s keeping the Web a place where people want to hang out and where they can feel safe.  The Golden Rule applies in cyberspace. “Do unto others…” If you wouldn’t do it in real life, you shouldn’t do it online.

7  Be a good digital citizen. (Cont’d)  Give and get credit. We’re all proud of what we create. Illegal downloading, digital cheating, and cutting and pasting other people’s stuff may be easy, but that doesn’t make it right.  You have the responsibility to respect other people’s creative work -- and the right to have your own work respected.  Communicate kindly, stand up for others, and build positive online relationships rooted in respect.

8  CyberBullying  Online communication is often purposely ambiguous or accidentally cruel -- both of which can lead to misunderstandings. If drama starts brewing, call or speak face to face with your friend to clear it up.  Talk to a responsible adult -- your school counselor, your school resource officer, even the parent of a friend.  Be an upstander -- not a bystander. There are ways that you can work behind the scenes to reach out to the victim, get an adult involved, and prevent more cruel behavior.  Do not to respond or retaliate. Not feeding the bully can stop the cycle. And -- if anything does happen -- save the evidence.

9  Use critical thinking.  Ask “who posted this? Why?” Thinking this way will help you find trustworthy information, and it will also help you avoid online scams that deliver spyware and viruses to your computer.  Also think critically about your own posts. Ask, “Why am I posting this? Who will see it? Could it be misunderstood?

10  Password Security.  Your password should be at least 8 characters long  Use both upper and lower case characters as well as numbers and symbols  Do not use names, dates, or familiar numbers  Do not use a pattern of consecutive numbers, letters, or keys on your keyboard  Do not write them down or share them with anyone

11  The use of the Internet and computers at BYHS is a privilege, not a right.  Misuse and/or violation of established policies may result in restriction, suspension, or cancellation of privileges. PRIVILEGES

12 When you sign the student handbook, you agree to comply with the Caswell County Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy. Any user identified as a security risk, or possessing a history of problems with other computer systems, may be denied access to the Internet. Network users have a duty to report to the principal or the system administrator any knowledge of safety or security problems on the Internet and other computer networks. The Caswell County Public School District reserves the right to temporarily or permanently remove a user account on the network.

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