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Approaches Workbook Conditioned Games – Teacher Answers.

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1 Approaches Workbook Conditioned Games – Teacher Answers

2 1) Why do performers often find this approach to develop performance motivating and engaging?  Performers will find this method motivating as they have been set a challenge to beat an opponent in a competitive game. Performers generally enjoy competitive situations and as a result are likely to work to the best of their ability.

3 2) When using this approach to develop performance how is the performer encouraged to change the way they perform?  In a conditioned game the rules of the game are changed in some way (such as increasing the number of points/goals for scoring using a certain skill/technique).  This change in rule is designed to encourage the performer to perform in a certain way.  For example in badminton if 5 points are awarded for scoring using a smash then the performer is encouraged to use the smash more often.

4 3) Why is often good to finish a skills development session with a conditioned game?  The theme or focus of the session is maintained in a competitive situation, so performers don’t simply forget what they have been working on during the session when they go into a game.  Finishing a skills development session with a conditioned game will increase the enjoyment and will likely engage performers participating in the session and in future sessions.

5 4) Why does developing skill within conditioned games make it easier to transfer that skill into a real game? A conditioned game is a much more game like environment to work on a skill. This means that the performer faces similar challenges as they would in the real performance. By performing the skill in this situation then the performer will have to deal with similar variables (such as opponents, ball or shuttle flight). As a result developing the skill in this situation is likely to make it easier to transfer into a game.

6 5) Why is the use of conditioned games within a development programme good for an athletes overall development?  Conditioned games will help to develop a range of factors over and above the focus of the session. These factors include decision making, confidence, use of tactics, concentration and mental toughness.  In addition players will use a range of skills similar to those used in a full game.

7 6) Why are conditioned games less effective for players of a lower skill level (cognitive stage of learning)? What might happen if used?  Can become de-motivating if the practice is too difficult and you are not experiencing success  Can develop poor decision making if you are being encouraged to perform skills or tactics at the wrong times.

8 7) When playing a conditioned game why might a performer lose focus on what they are trying to develop?  In a competitive situation some players may become too focussed on the outcome of the game itself. This could lead to the condition being ignored or rarely attempted due to a win at all costs mentality.

9 8) When using a conditioned game a performer is encouraged to use certain skills/tactics within the game. This can result in these skills/tactics being used at inappropriate times. What negative affect might this have on the performer in real games?  Can develop poor decision making if you are being encouraged to perform skills or tactics at the wrong times.  After playing in a conditioned game a performer may play to the condition in a real game. This could result in the performer using shots or tactics which were rewarded in the conditioned game but may not be appropriate for the real game situation.

10 9) What negative impact might using a conditioned game have on a performer if the opponent they are playing against in the conditioned game knows what the condition is?  If an opponent is aware of the condition then this may create a false situation. This may make it easier for the opponent to read what will happen and therefore be in the right position at the right time to make it difficult to be successful. This may discourage the use of this in real games as you don’t feel it works.

11 10) What organizational issues are there with using conditioned games?  There may not be enough players to run the conditioned game. This may be difficult to organise.

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