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French ProfeLL 1 – Accessing French Professional learning intended outcomes: Give teachers initial confidence to begin using Oui Make meaning of the Oui.

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Presentation on theme: "French ProfeLL 1 – Accessing French Professional learning intended outcomes: Give teachers initial confidence to begin using Oui Make meaning of the Oui."— Presentation transcript:

1 French ProfeLL 1 – Accessing French Professional learning intended outcomes: Give teachers initial confidence to begin using Oui Make meaning of the Oui kit: written materials, videos / DVDs, CDs, CD player v computer and speakers, assessment and reporting ideas.

2 Understand the relationship between source documents e.g. NZC and websites: /french/ /french/ and FiNZC and the LL resources (Oui kits)

3 Workshop aspects of units 0 - 4 by focusing on: – Language acquisition e.g. sound systems, (Principle 1); and numbers and classroom language (Principles 1,6,7,8) – Language methodologies for input (Principle 6) (IRDPX + Oral Choral) Apply knowledge of Learning Styles to LL Make links with L1 (first language) literacy and mathematics

4 Discover how cultural activities are integrated into the programme and begin an understanding of interculturality (iCLT) Reflect on own learning and set personal and school goals for term 2 and rest of year.

5 Learning Intention (Specific Learning Outcome = SLO) In this session we are going to learn to count from 1-10 in French. Why would we want to learn this?


7 Success criteria: (How will you know you have been successful today?) Listening: you will be able to point to the numbers when you hear them Speaking: you will be able to say the numbers correctly and off by heart Reading for Recognition: you will be able to match the words with the numbers, and read (say out loud) the words correctly.

8 Do Now: Listen follow my instructions and copy the way I speak (be a good parrot)

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