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Kingfishers Term 2 2012 ‘To Infinity and beyond!’ Mathematical development We will be developing our learning through the following units:, partitioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingfishers Term 2 2012 ‘To Infinity and beyond!’ Mathematical development We will be developing our learning through the following units:, partitioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingfishers Term 2 2012 ‘To Infinity and beyond!’ Mathematical development We will be developing our learning through the following units:, partitioning numbers, adding 2 digit numbers, subtracting using a number line, rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100, classifying 2d /3d shapes and measuring length. All the above units will include associated word problems. We will also be having weekly times tables tests Communication, Language and Literacy We will be improving our speaking and listening skills through; Talk partners and discussion groups, Philosophy for Children (P4C) and reporting. Circle time. We will be developing our writing skills through; comprehension work, reading and writing instructional texts, researching and making notes linked to ICT, story mapping, explanation texts, and regular grammar lessons. In ICT we will be using a database program. We will be learning how to input data and retrieve answers and graphs associated with the information. We will also using the internet to research and write a simple PowerPoint slide that combines text and images. MFL Bonjour! We will be starting to learn basic French this term. Throughout the term we will be concentrating on learning colours and everyday phrases so we start to have short conversations.. Creativity. We will be developing creativity in all aspects of our curriculum. We will be exploring Line and tone; with a focus on shadow making. In D/T we will be designing and making puppets which will practise the art of sewing.. In Music we will exploring sounds using description through instruments, words and mime. Knowledge and understanding of the world Our Science topic is ‘ Light sources’. We will be developing our use of the following scientific skills: Observational drawing Prediction Scientific explanation Fair testing Scientific language Explanations using scientific knowledge. Personal, Social and Emotional development Our SEAL topic for this term is ‘Getting on and falling out’. We will be focussing on the following skills: Knowing more about my classmates Being able to give a compliment Know what triggers my anger Looking for peaceful solutions Understanding the concept of a win-win situation How to solve conflicts within class In anti-bullying week we will be looking at which behaviours could be seen as bullying and what to do if we witness a bullying incident. In RE we will be exploring the importance of light for different religions and take part in light festivals which celebrate Diwali and Hannukah. We will be experiencing each festival in a hands on way involving through art, food and music. Learning We will be developing our discussion skills with a focus on how we can become better learners. We will be focusing on which learning muscles we use in various learning situations. We will continue to strive to achieve our class charter’s aims We will be continuing to develop our curiosity and questioning skills through philosophy and science. The children will be concentrating on improving their collaborative skills with each other and becoming more independent learners. Physical Development Our learning focus for this term will be practising skills, participating fully and evaluating our work in Basketball and Gymnastics. We will be practising our travelling and catching skills in Basketball lessons. We shall be using Gym lessons to encourage collaboration and working at different height levels on various apparatus.. Y3s will be starting their swimming lessons on Friday 9th September..


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