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MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL SUMMER 2 YEAR 5 MATHS This half term children will begin by studying negative numbers and solving problems involving numbers.

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1 MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL SUMMER 2 YEAR 5 MATHS This half term children will begin by studying negative numbers and solving problems involving numbers. Following on, they will explore long multiplication, square numbers and cube numbers. Later in the term, children will develop an awareness of adding and subtracting fractions as well as looking at reflections and translations. Throughout the term, pupils will apply their mathematical knowledge to real life situations. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY - Ensuring your child practices their times tables regularly, giving your child plenty of opportunity to develop their mental maths skills and allowing them to access websites such as Mymaths, Mathszone etc. SCIENCE In Science this term, the children will be learning about Animals and their Habitat. This will also include lessons focusing in the propagation of plants as we hope to grow a variety of our own in the classroom! YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Talking to your children about the different animals and where they live. It may also help if you discuss with your child the different types of plants/flowers they have come across before with you. An explanation into the way they distribute their seeds and reproduce would be helpful for future lessons concerning plants and their life cycles. There is a large bank of useful information available at mal_habitats/read/1/ mal_habitats/read/1/ ENGLISH This half term we are reading ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King. In this unit we will be exploring narrative structure and plot. Children will analyse a range of narratives and explore the generic text structure including the: opening, build up, dilemma, resolution and ending. Following this, children will plan, write and edit their own narrative writing in the same style as the author. Also within this unit, children will have weekly grammar lessons where they can develop their knowledge and understanding of grammar. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Reading with your child everyday and encouraging them to use their writing skills frequently, as well as questioning them whilst reading about the opening, build-up, dilemma, resolution and ending in a chapter or the book. Comprehension exercises, which can be found online and in popular book stores, will certainly help your child move on with their reading. Geography This half term, we will be learning about less and more economically developed countries. Consequently, children will be able to explore the working life, food and culture of different countries; they will also learn how to locate countries using an atlas, fairtrade and charities. Children will have the opportunity to draw upon their knowledge and understanding of the country they researched during the Easter holidays; this will be followed up in greater detail. MFL In Modern Foreign Languages this term we will be learning how to read, write and speak in French. In addition to revising names of animals, parts of the body and members of the family, children will learn how to: ask and answer questions about the family; follow a French story and join in reading; recognise nouns and verbs in French. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Discussing new words they have learnt. ICT The children will be learning new skills that are linked to the Audacity program. This freeware will involve the children collecting audio clips from a variety of sources including their own recordings. Your child will learn to create a multi- track recording by cutting, editing and refining their clips. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY- Downloading the freeware Audacity (it is free!) from any website and practice using the features at home. It will be useful for your child to have the freedom and time to explore the program themselves at home without the pressure of time restraints they have in school PHYSICAL EDUCATION The children will be swimming every Wednesday, on a Tuesday we will be focussing on gymnastics. This will include travelling in various ways, creating sequences and performing using balances, jumps and rolls. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Making sure they have their PE kit every Tuesday and swimming kit every Wednesday. ART This half term the children will be focusing on art in different cultures. Within this unit, they will explore artworks created by different artists including Chris Ofili, Georgia o’Keeffe and Henri Matisse. As well as creating their own Rangoli patterns and writing in calligraphy, pupils will have the opportunity to imitate famous artworks. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Discussing and considering artwork in different cultures. TARGETS Reading: In year 5 pupils are challenged to read for 20 minutes everyday. Please use their planners to let the teacher know if they have been reading. Help them meet the reading challenge and receive their rewards. Maths: Each week the children will be tested in the ‘Kung Fu Maths’ challenge. They will need to learn their times tables to pass each test and move on to the next level. To ensure children can spell common words, they will be receiving spelling homework weekly which they will be tested on the following week. Educational visits RELIGIOUS EDUCATION In RE children will explore places of worship. They will acquire understanding of what it means to show commitment to a community whilst reflecting on the advantages of belonging to religious and other communities. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Talking about what they have discussed in class and comparing and contrasting a mosque with a church. COMPREHENSION This year we will be focusing on comprehension work in order to improve your child’s understanding of what they are reading. You can help your child by questioning them when they read to you and using comprehension activity books which are available in many book shops.

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