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Electricity and Circuits

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1 Electricity and Circuits
S8P5b. demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel circuits and how they transfer energy. EQ: How might life be different if electricity was never discovered?

2 Electric Charge Two types of electric charge (electrons, ions)
Electrons move through solids Ions move through solutions The transfer of electrons between objects is called static charge

3 Electric Charge Continued
All objects exert an electric force on each other. Can be attractive or repulsive like a magnet. Electric fields exist around every electric charge. Gets stronger the closer you get to the charge. Gets weaker the further away. Conductors are materials that electrons can move more easily through (metals such as iron, lead, gold, silver, copper) Insulators are materials that electrons cannot move easily from place to place such as rubber.

4 Electric Current Current of electricity is the flow of electric charge (electrons or ions, mainly electrons) A circuit is a closed loop in which electric charge flows continuously. It has three parts: a source of electric charge-battery ,a conductor-wire which is connected to the battery, and a receiver such as a light bulb. Voltage is the measurement of how much electrical potential energy an electron can have. Ohm’s Law states Voltage = current X resistance or V=IR

5 Electric Current Why do batteries die? Batteries (Teacher Explanation)
Batteries supply energy to a circuit In a circuit, electric charge flows out of the negative end of the battery toward the positive end. Resistance is the measure of how difficult it is for electrons to flow through a material.

6 Electric Circuits Two types of circuits-series and parallel.
Series Circuit only has one path for electric current to flow. If the path is broken, current will stop flowing. Parallel Circuits has more than one path for electric current to flow. If one path is broken, electrons continue to flow down other paths.

7 Electric Flow Conductor-substance that easily allows electrons to flow. (All metal wires) Insulator-Substance that doesn’t allow electrons to flow easily. (wood, rubber)

8 Series

9 Parallel Circuit

10 This one is on you! After learning about series and parallel circuits, think of advantages and disadvantages of each.

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