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Theme 2 – Vocabulary 6 Mrs. Fendrick. Cornell Notes Use only blue or black ink or regular pencil. Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Fold left.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 2 – Vocabulary 6 Mrs. Fendrick. Cornell Notes Use only blue or black ink or regular pencil. Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Fold left."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 2 – Vocabulary 6 Mrs. Fendrick

2 Cornell Notes Use only blue or black ink or regular pencil. Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Fold left side of paper 2.5 inches. Holes go on left side. Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 jest Definition: Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Head a clean sheet of paper like the above example.

3 Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? jest Definition:

4 Definition: playful act or joke jest (noun) Example: Rod’s parents say in jest that he is going to eat them out of house and home.

5 jest Definition: playful act or joke Example: supple Definition: Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me?

6 Definition: flexible supple (noun) Example: Exercising every day keeps the dancer’s body supple.

7 jest Definition: playful act or joke Example: supple Definition: flexible Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 immobile Definition: Example: E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me?

8 Definition: unable to move immobile (adjective) Example: The artist bolted the piece of sculpture to the floor so that it would be immobile.

9 jest Definition: playful act or joke Example: supple Definition: flexible Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 immobile Definition: unable to move Example: sinuous E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Definition: Example:

10 Definition: long and curved sinuous (adjective) Example: The landscaper thought straight lines were boring, so he designed a sinuous walkway through the garden.

11 jest Definition: playful act or joke Example: supple Definition: flexible Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 immobile Definition: unable to move Example: sinuous E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Definition: long and curved Example: intonation Definition: Example:

12 Definition: the rise and fall intonation (noun) Example: The intonation of Pablo’s voice during his speech was pleasant. of a sound’s pitch

13 jest Definition: playful act or joke Example: supple Definition: flexible Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 immobile Definition: unable to move Example: sinuous E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Definition: long and curved Example: intonation Definition: rise & fall of a sound’s pitch Example: fused Definition: Example:

14 Definition: joined or combined together fused (verb) Example: The electrician fused the two wires to make a new connection. syndactyly = webbed fingers or toes

15 haywire Definition: Example:

16 Definition: wildly out of control or malfunctioning haywire (verb) Example: The computer went haywire, and Dave could not print his report.

17 haywire Definition: wildly out of control or malfunctioning Example: procrastinate Definition: Example:

18 Definition: to delay or procrastinate (noun) put things off Example: Jill began to watch TV and procrastinate about her homework.

19 haywire Definition: wildly out of control or malfunctioning Example: procrastinate Definition: to delay or put things off Summary Example: character traits Definition: Example:

20 Definition: who a character is on the inside or their personality and values. character traits Find it in what a character says and does.

21 jest Definition: playful act or joke Example: supple Definition: flexible Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 2 – Lesson 6 immobile Definition: unable to move Example: sinuous E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Definition: long and curved Example: intonation Definition: rise & fall of a sound’s pitch Example: fused Definition: combined; joined together Example:

22 haywire Definition: wildly out of control or malfunctioning Example: procrastinate Definition: to delay or put things off Summary Example: character traits Definition: who a character is on the inside or their personality and values Example:

23 Summary Learning new words will help me understand what I read.

24 You must be able to: 1. Write the meaning of each word. 2. Use the word properly in a sentence.

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