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Classroom Procedures, Expectations, and Disciplinary Actions Quarter 2.

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1 Classroom Procedures, Expectations, and Disciplinary Actions Quarter 2

2 Procedures for Quarter 2 Bell Ringers and Homework/Workbook Make-up Exams/Quizzes Power School issues Tutoring and Meetings Participation Assessment Bell to Bell expectations Disciplinary Actions Weekly Plan

3 Bell Ringers and Homework/Workbook Bell Ringers – Weekly bell ringer sheet – Begin bell ringers promptly (individual assignment) – Bell ringers checked on Fridays in class Homework – Homework for week posted on board as well as online (see course website; subject to change) Homework for following week will be posted on classroom website by Friday the week before – Homework due for days assigned, checked on Fridays.

4 Make-up Exams/Quizzes Make-up exams and quizzes – Make-up exams and quizzes available for excused absences only (illness, emergencies, ISS or OSS) – It is the student’s responsibility to request a make-up exam/quiz – Must occur within a week from student’s re-admission to class – Make-ups available most Mondays and Wednesdays immediately after school by appointment only – Use make-up request sheet – Quizzes and Exams not made up within 1 week will result in a score of “0”

5 Power School issues and student/teacher meetings or tutoring Questions regarding grades or attendance: – Use appropriate form to lodge questions or concerns for teacher regarding grades, attendance, etc. Meetings and tutoring – Mr. Lara is available most Mondays and Wednesdays after school for tutoring or meetings (by appointment only) – Request meeting or tutoring using appropriate form

6 Participation Assessment Participation will be assessed weekly (5pts/week) – Based on a 5pt scale; “0” being completely disengaged (i.e., sleeping in class) or absent to “5” being outstanding participation (engaged, on-task, using Spanish appropriately, and non-disruptive)

7 Classroom Expectations Come prepared – Bring necessary supplies (textbook, workbook, notebook, bellringer sheet, pencils, pens, etc.) – Know what is due and what assignments/exams are coming up (see course website) – Know what you’ve missed and when and how to make it up (see course website) Be on time – Tardies require a note from teacher or administrator to be excused – Excessive unexcused tardies will result in disciplinary action – If arriving after bell, sign-in using appropriate form (whether excused or not)

8 Classroom Expectations (bell to bell) Remain seated until bell rings – Students shall be excused for emergencies only – Plan appropriately (bathroom and water breaks) Raise hand to be recognized (unless instructed otherwise) Listen for and follow promptly directions (first time given)

9 Classroom expectations (bell to bell) Respect your teacher, classmates, and classroom – Use respectful language – Refer to teacher as Señor Lara – Leave attitude at door! – Manage self (hands to self, stay on task) – Place (not throw) garbage in garbage can (pick up after self) – Put away food items and electronic devices (no eating, texting, websurfing, photo or video taking) – Observe dress code and other school policies – Leave windows and desks as are (unless instructed to open/move them) – Pick up and put away unclaimed textbooks at end of class – Put forth best effort (using Spanish as much as possible!)

10 Disciplinary Actions Disciplinary action will be taken for the following types of offenses: – Excessive tardies – Disruptive Behavior – Insubordination – “Other” Escalation of disciplinary action will be cumulative over the course of quarter, culminating in administrative referral

11 Disciplinary Actions Tardies – First tardy: Name recorded Note: sign in using appropriate form if admitted after the bell (whether excused or not) – Second tardy: Parent call/email – Third tardy: referral for disciplinary action – Subsequent tardies: immediate referral (escalated disciplinary action)

12 Disciplinary Actions Disruptive Behavior (excessive talking; inability to manage self) – First offense: Verbal redirection – Second offense: name recorded; seat change (if appropriate) – Third offense: parent call/conference – Fourth offense: referral for disciplinary action (i.e., detention, ISS, or OSS)

13 Disciplinary Actions Insubordination (i.e., talking back, attitude, language, not following directions – includes repeated warnings to put away electronic devices and headphones) – First offense: verbal warning – Second offense: name recorded – Third offense: parent call/conference – Fourth offense: school referral for disciplinary action (i.e., detention, ISS, OSS) Severe disrespect toward teacher, students, or classroom will result in send-off to appropriate administrator and an immediate referral for disciplinary action

14 Weekly Plan Culture days – Fridays are no longer designated solely for discussions/explorations of culture – Will integrate exploration of culture in lessons throughout week and semester as appropriate Exam and Quiz dates – Teacher reserves right to give exams and quizzes when appropriate, regardless of what day of the week it is (including Mondays and Fridays)

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