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Jons Jacob Berzelius A presentation by: Blane Malcomson.

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Presentation on theme: "Jons Jacob Berzelius A presentation by: Blane Malcomson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jons Jacob Berzelius A presentation by: Blane Malcomson

2 Basic information Born: August 20, 1779 in Väversunda, Sweden Died: August 7, 1848 in Stockholm, Sweden Nationality: Swedish

3 Early Life Jons was born into a well educated Swedish family. Although he was born into wealth he went through a rough childhood. When he was young his father died and shortly after his mother died too.

4 Education Jons always did very well in grade school He studied in the medical school at the University of Uppsala Then became a professor at a medical collage in Stockholm

5 Mr. MD Jons received his medical degree in 1802 and continued his career in medical sciences

6 Introduction to chemistry Then he became interested in chemistry and became part of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

7 Main Invention He was the creator of the symbol system for the periodic table of elements called Chemical Nomenclature

8 Other Contributions to science His interest in all sorts of compounds led to his discovery of a number of new elements including cerium, selenium, and thorium.

9 Commemoratives! In 1939 his picture appeared on a series of postage stamps commemorating the founding of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.

10 Achievements Berzelius was also a great writer and published a chemistry textbook which went through several editions and was printed in 5 different languages!

11 1.What was Jons Berzelius's biggest invention? 2.What is one out of three of the elements that he discovered? 3.True or false his mother died at an early age but his father died during his adult years. 4.What country was he born in? 5.What did he get his picture on as a commemoration for his work at the Swedish Academy of Sciences. QUIZ TIME!


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