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The eastern hemisphere: Traveling the silk road

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1 The eastern hemisphere: Traveling the silk road
Chapter 3 Lesson 1 Possible Quiz Writing Questions Social Studies 5th Grade Mr. Vida

2 CH 3 LS 1 Writing questions
Where is the Silk Road & speculate what else besides trade goods did traders carried along with them while crossing it? ANSWER: The Silk Road was a major network of trade routes between China and other lands. Along with traders and trade goods, ideas, skills, and customs traveled the Silk Road.

3 Exam 2 Writing questions
To what did China owe its wealth during the time of the Silk Road? ANSWER: Hundreds of years earlier, China learned how to weave silk cloth. Over the years demand for silk cloth, which became worth its weight in gold grew from people as far away as Europe and Africa. Tea and spices from China were also valuable.

4 Exam 2 Writing questions
How and why did the new emperor of China send out a huge fleet from its shores? What was the outcome? ANSWER: In the 1400’s, China build and sent out a huge fleet of more than 300 ships under the command of Zheng He to expand trade and show Chinese power. Where ever Chinese ships stopped, demand grew for Chinese trade goods.

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