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MICROMOUSE EE296 Spring 2004 Team Name: Lost Café 66.

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Presentation on theme: "MICROMOUSE EE296 Spring 2004 Team Name: Lost Café 66."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICROMOUSE EE296 Spring 2004 Team Name: Lost Café 66

2 INTRODUCTION OF THE TEAM Members: – Arthur Phanphengdy – Jackson Ng – Quincy Quach – Kang Lu

3 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT Make a micromouse that is able to find the center of a maze on its own. Hopefully make it good enough to compete against other schools…

4 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF APPROACH 1. Get the motor running, along with the sensors. 2. Design and build the mouse itself. (Chassis, wheels, motor, sensors, etc.) 3. Come up with an algorithm so that the mouse will function properly. 4. Write the code in dynamic C. 5. Put everything we got together and let the mouse run through the maze.

5 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS not be able to figure out the right C coding. have some problems with the design. have some careless wiring mistakes which will lead to hours of debugging. have trouble obtaining the right parts that we want to use. not have enough time to finish.

6 WHAT WE EXPECT TO LEARN Become familiar with building circuitry. Learn about different components involved in building a micromouse. Learn more about programming in C. Develop teamwork skills. Develop time management skills. Develop troubleshooting skills.

7 DELIVERABLE GOALS Make a micromouse that… – Is able to sense walls and openings to turn. – Is able to go down 10 cells then make a 90 degree right turn without banging any walls. – Is able to map out the cells traveled. – Looks cool!

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