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Enlargement and neighbourhood policy. Two key themes The process of acceding to the EU The interaction with the state on the EU’s borders.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlargement and neighbourhood policy. Two key themes The process of acceding to the EU The interaction with the state on the EU’s borders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlargement and neighbourhood policy

2 Two key themes The process of acceding to the EU The interaction with the state on the EU’s borders

3 EU accession

4 Becoming a member of the EU To become a member of EU have to conform to Copenhagen Criteria Six enlargements since 1973 to the present Entrance only through unanimity

5 The Copenhagen criteria Stable institutions which guarantee democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for, and protection of, minorities A functioning market economy The capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union The ability to take on the obligations of membership including political, economic and monetary union

6 Conditionality is key Conditionality means that progress along the route towards membership depends upon a candidate meeting the specific prior conditions that align the state within the conditions within the Copenhagen Criteria

7 Impact of enlargement 1.Economic impact Seen to be of benefit to states via trade and investment 2.Political impact Embed political stability and democracy Geopolitical impact

8 Enlargement fatigue Did EU expand too far and too fast? Central and Eastern Europe – big absorption problem Rising migration between states and growth crisis – fuel resentment Potential of secession by states – BREXIT

9 EU Neighbourhood Policy

10 ENP Focus on 16 states in North Africa and Middle East Promote broad geo-political and geo- economic stability Ante-chamber for membership?

11 Role of ENP Provide support to create deep democracy Support inclusive development Strengthen the two regional dimensions of ENP (the Eastern and southern Mediterranean Partnerships) to conclude sector specific programmes To develop mechanisms to fit these objectives

12 Record of ENP Mixed – offered trade benefits not support Eastern states from Russia EU neighbourhood has been volatile Are incentives great enough to make it work?

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