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Technical students, Industry contacts and Technology Transfer April 16 th 2009 Ole Petter Nordahl Norwegian Industry Liaison Officer and Technology Transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical students, Industry contacts and Technology Transfer April 16 th 2009 Ole Petter Nordahl Norwegian Industry Liaison Officer and Technology Transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical students, Industry contacts and Technology Transfer April 16 th 2009 Ole Petter Nordahl Norwegian Industry Liaison Officer and Technology Transfer Officer

2 Norwegians at CERN: Current Snapshot 2 Currently 14 Staff positions *~.6% 25 Fellow/Associate/Student positions ~4.7% Currently 14 Staff positions *~.6% 25 Fellow/Associate/Student positions ~4.7%

3 Personnel situation: Norwegian staff 3

4 4. – 5. February Recruitment activity – Trondheim Date 4 Students were mostly interested in the possibility of writing their master thesis, but a surprisingly large amount of PhD students and graduated engineers from Non-member states were also enquiring about job-opportunities at CERN. Furthermore many people are very keen to get information about the LHC and were asking about the status of the repair. The recruitment stand offered both general information on CERN and more specific details on the Staff, Student and Fellowship programmes. During the day we informed approx. 150 students in depth about their opportunities for coming to CERN. Meetings with selected professors at the University CERN also had a presentation at Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST) about the different recruitment programmes.

5 Presentation at Oslo University College on 17.02.2009 (~40 students) 17. – 18. February Recruitment activity – Oslo Presentation at University of Oslo on 17.02.2009 (>200 students) Recruitment Fair University of Oslo on 18.02.2009 (~100 visitors)

6 Norwegian industrial contracts Norway is a poorly balanced country – but situation is improving Main reasons ▫ High economic growth in Norwegian economy leads to:  High prices  Filled order books ▫ Few companies with former relation to CERN ▫ Little knowledge about CERN as a supplier Initiative taken to improve the situation ▫ Norway – CERN Work Group ▫ New purchasing rules at CERN which helps to balance the distribution of industrial contracts among member states ▫ CERN specialists have visited Norwegian companies within selected domains Still Norway gets contracts within certain domains 6

7 Examples: Fast is regarded as one of the world leaders within business search technology In the process of replacing other search engines: Goal: One search engine for all CERN information 7 CERN has after extensive testing decided to standardize on Tandberg products CERN signed a 1.7 million CHF deal with Tandberg in 2008

8 Norwegian office furniture 8 Norwegian design CERN stores has visited Norwegian producers Furniture has been tested and approved by CERN Health center

9 CERN specialists visit Norwegian companies to find new suppliers Steel Mill (Scana) Cable manufacturers  Draka Comtech  Draka Norsk Kabel  Nexans Norway 9

10 Technology Transfer 2. - 8. November: Technology Screening Week 20 master students and 3 lecturers from NTNU Center for Entrepreneurship participated A market and technology assessments were made for 5 CERN technologies with help from the inventors and the TT group Both oral presentation and written report for each technology were made  This information is made available to all MS Outcome:  1 start-up based on the Indico/Inviro application 10

11 Norwegian CERN website: Information for: Research community Students Companies Job applicants General news 11 O.P. Nordahl

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