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The Water Cycle. Some Soil Properties Soils vary in the size of the particles they contain, the amount of space between these particles, and how rapidly.

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Presentation on theme: "The Water Cycle. Some Soil Properties Soils vary in the size of the particles they contain, the amount of space between these particles, and how rapidly."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Water Cycle

2 Some Soil Properties Soils vary in the size of the particles they contain, the amount of space between these particles, and how rapidly water flows through them.

3 Effects of Groundwater Overpumping Groundwater overpumping can cause land to sink, and contaminate freshwater aquifers near coastal areas with saltwater.

4 Groundwater Overdrafts: High Moderate Minor or none

5 Solutions Groundwater Depletion PreventionControl Waste less water Raise price of water to discourage waste Subsidize water conservation Ban new wells in aquifers near surface waters Tax water pumped from wells near surface waters Buy and retire groundwater withdrawal rights in critical areas Do not grow water- intensive crops in dry areas Set and enforce minimum stream flow levels

6 Provides water for year-round irrigation of cropland Flooded land destroys forests or cropland and displaces people Large losses of water through evaporation Provides water for drinking Downstream cropland and estuaries are deprived of nutrient-rich silt Reservoir is useful for recreation and fishing Risk of failure and devastating downstream flooding Can produce cheap electricity (hydropower) Downstream flooding is reduced Migration and spawning of some fish are disrupted

7 The Colorado River Basin The area drained by this basin is equal to more than one-twelfth of the land area of the lower 48 states.

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