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ATHLETES DIET. PRE COMPETITION DIET Eat a high complex carbohydrate meal everyday four to five days before the competition. Complex carbohydrates get.

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2 PRE COMPETITION DIET Eat a high complex carbohydrate meal everyday four to five days before the competition. Complex carbohydrates get stored in the liver as liver glycogen (up to 100 grams) and in the skeletal muscle as muscle glycogen (up to 500 grams). Carbohydrate loading or carbo loading

3 WHAT IS CARBOHYDRATE LOADING? An athlete may consume more calories than the body needs but expend them with exercise (competition) or through metabolic processes. Carbohydrate loading is an example of this. Before competition an athlete may increase their caloric intake of complex carbohydrates to increase the storage of muscle glycogen to be used during their completion. An increase in muscle glycogen equals greater energy storage during the competition. Carb loading may lead to a temporary increase in weight gain.

4 WHAT IS A GOOD PRE COMPETITION MEAL? Proper pre competition meal should contain complex carbohydrates, moderate protein, and fluids. The PCM should consist of foods that are easily digested and consumed four hours before the competition. Restrict sugary foods because they will cause blood glucose to swing and decrease energy. Avoid caffeine because it will increase urine output and cause dehydration.

5 NO TIME FOR A PCM? Example: Wheat bread, peanut butter, a banana, and water 1 to 2 hours before the completion would be a good alternative. If nervousness prevents you from eating before completion, try liquid meals or nutrition bars. Always experiment in a practice environment.

6 HOW DOES YOUR BODY UTILIZE THE PCM? As movement starts the muscles utilize the muscle glycogen within the muscle it is stored. Depletion of muscle glycogen is connected with fatigue and exhaustion. Fatigue and drop in exercise capacity when muscle glycogen runs out is referred to as “hitting the wall”

7 SUPPLEMENT NUTRIENTS DURING COMPETITION If your competition lasts several hours you may need to supplement during the completion or at half time. Supplement you may consider are: Easily digested sports bars Sports drinks Fruit

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