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1 Final Exam Review CS 171/271. 2 Coverage Problem Solving and Searching Chapters 3,4,6 Logic Chapters 7,8,9 LISP Only those sections covered in the slides.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Final Exam Review CS 171/271. 2 Coverage Problem Solving and Searching Chapters 3,4,6 Logic Chapters 7,8,9 LISP Only those sections covered in the slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Final Exam Review CS 171/271

2 2 Coverage Problem Solving and Searching Chapters 3,4,6 Logic Chapters 7,8,9 LISP Only those sections covered in the slides

3 3 Emphasis on Algorithms Given sample problems, environments, inputs Carry out an algorithm/determine the corresponding output Rough breakdown 70% of questions on carrying out algorithms 15% on LISP programming 15% on other question types (true-false, identification, writing logical sentences)

4 4 Algorithms on Searching Not so much on Chapter 3 BFS, UCS, DFS, Iterative Deepening DFS (recognize as simple cases of other algorithms) Heuristics Greedy Best-First Search A* search Hill-Climbing MiniMax, alpha-beta pruning

5 5 Logical Inference Algorithms Inference by enumeration (for Propositional Logic) Propositionalization (for FOL) Unification Resolution (PL & FOL) Forward Chaining (PL &FOL) No algorithm questions on backward ch Conversion to CNF

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