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WRITING PORTFOLIO A guide to completing your writing piece.

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Presentation on theme: "WRITING PORTFOLIO A guide to completing your writing piece."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRITING PORTFOLIO A guide to completing your writing piece

2 CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC Your topic must be health/fitness related Nutrition  First Aid  Safety  Disease prevention  Sports Injuries  Being a competitive high school athlete  Other topic subject to teacher approval

3  Start with your topic and brainstorm information that you are going to include in your written piece  Find the information online, in a book/magazine etc.  Make sure you cite your sources BRAINSTORM topic Info + resource

4 Complete the research sheet, with your brainstorm ideas on the back Make sure you look at the peer assessment rubric (24pts) and the final assessment rubric (100pts)

5 Have teacher approve topic and ideas before starting your 1 st draft Your portfolio piece can be a written paper, a PowerPoint presentation, or a Prezi presentation Your written piece must give information and cite supporting evidence on your chosen topic

6 Due Dates: 1 st draft –Friday, November 30 th (15pts) Peer review-Monday, December 3 rd (24pts) Peer Evaluator (10pts) Final Draft-Friday, December 7 th (100pts) **December 7 th -computer time in Media Center to complete assignment, print hard copy, and upload to your Dropbox account**

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