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Created by Jordan Timbs 10/09/10. Motor Skills and Movement Patterns  1.1.1. The Student will demonstrate basic motor skills in three or more of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Jordan Timbs 10/09/10. Motor Skills and Movement Patterns  1.1.1. The Student will demonstrate basic motor skills in three or more of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Jordan Timbs 10/09/10

2 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns  1.1.1. The Student will demonstrate basic motor skills in three or more of the following categories: aquatics, dance, fitness activities, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, leisure pursuits, self-defense, team sports and cooperative games/activities  This game is intended for grades 6 and up, but everyone can play!!

3  Get an opponent, or opposing teams, and go through every question, starting with 1 going in order to 20.  Each question consist of multiple choice and/or True and False  Choose the answer, if it’s correct mark an O on the question number, and a X if it’s incorrect.  The team with the highest number of points wins!! If the game ends in a tie, both teams win!!  The Action Buttons include the Following: 1.The Back Button takes you to the previous slide. 2.The Next Button takes you to the next slide. 3.The Home Button takes you to the title page, but after you get to the game board slide it will take you directly back to the game board slide. Make sure you click the action buttons and not the slide. If you accidently hit a slide and it goes to the next one just hit the back arrow (To exit the game at any time hit ESC)

4 T E A M 1T E A M 2

5 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920

6 How many players can be on the Sand Volleyball court? A. 2 B. 3 C.6 D. All the above

7 How many players can be on the Sand Volleyball court? A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. All the above

8 If someone blocks a serve, which is illegal, what is that action called? A. Attacking B. Dodging C. Defending D. Blocking

9 What if someone blocks a serve, which is illegal, what is that action called? A. Attacking B. Dodging C. Defending D. Blocking

10 If the ball hits the line, it is considered in. TRUE FALSE

11 If the ball hits the line, it is considered in. TRUE FALSE

12 More than 6 players can play on a team. TRUE FALSE

13 More than 6 players can play on a team. TRUE FALSE

14 What is a Spike? A. The action that initiates the ball into play B. An offensive attack to hit the ball towards the ground C. Hitting the ball to your teammate D. None of the above

15 What is a Spike? A. The action that initiates the ball into play B. An offensive attack to hit the ball towards the ground C. Hitting the ball to your teammate D. None of the above

16 If the ball is hit out of bounds, who gets possession? A. The referee B. The team who touched it last C. The team who did not touch it last D. No one, just redo the play

17 If the ball is hit out of bounds, who gets possession? A. The referee B. The team who touched it last C. The team who did not touch it last D. No one, just redo the play

18 When just guys play Sand Volleyball, the net is usually raised higher. TRUE FALSE

19 When just guys play Sand Volleyball, the net is usually raised higher. TRUE FALSE

20 You cannot have co-ed teams when you play Sand Volleyball. TRUE FALSE

21 You cannot have co-ed teams when you play Sand Volleyball. TRUE FALSE

22 How many times can the ball be hit by each team? A. 3 B. 2 C.1 D. It doesn’t matter

23 How many times can the ball be hit by each team? A. 3 B. 2 C.1 D. It doesn’t matter

24 If the server doesn’t hit the ball over the net the first time, do they get a redo? A. Depends on the referee B. No C. Maybe D. Yes

25 If the server doesn’t hit the ball over the net the first time, do they get a redo? A. Depends on the referee B. No C. Maybe D. Yes

26 You can attack the ball when it is first served by the other team. TRUE FALSE

27 You can attack the ball when it is first served by the other team. TRUE FALSE

28 Indoor Volleyball and Sand Volleyball have some different rules. TRUE FALSE

29 Indoor Volleyball and Sand Volleyball have some different rules. TRUE FALSE

30 What happens when a player hits the net going for the ball? A. The opposing team gets a point B. The opposing team gets a point taken away C. As long as the ball goes over the net, its ok D. The player’s team who touched the net gets a point

31 What happens when a player hits the net going for the ball? A. The opposing team gets a point B. The opposing team gets a point taken away C. As long as the ball goes over the net, its ok D. The player’s team who touched the net gets a point

32 When does a team have to rotate positioning? A. Whenever a team regains position of the ball B. It’s the teams decision C. After every change in position D. Never

33 When does a team have to rotate positioning? A. Whenever a team regains position of the ball B. It’s the teams decision C. After every change in position D. Never

34 If a player spikes the ball in an opposing players face, the team loses a point. TRUE FALSE

35 If a player spikes the ball in an opposing players face, the team loses a point. TRUE FALSE

36 You can use your head and feet to hit the ball. TRUE FALSE

37 You can use your head and feet to hit the ball. TRUE FALSE

38 How many sets does a team have to win to win the match? A. 3 out of 5 B. 1 out of 2 C. 3 out of 3 D. 2 out of 3

39 How many sets does a team have to win to win the match? A. 3 out of 5 B. 1 out of 2 C. 3 out of 3 D. 2 out of 3

40 Where does the ref stand during a Sand Volleyball game? A. He doesn’t stand in one spot, he’s constantly running around the court B. He sits on the ground C. On a ladder attached to the net D. None of the above

41 Where does the ref stand during a Sand Volleyball game? A. He doesn’t stand in one spot, he’s constantly running around the court B. He sits on the ground C. On a ladder attached to the net D. None of the above

42 If my team hits the ball out of bounds, the other team gets a point and/or possession of the ball. TRUE FALSE

43 If my team hits the ball out of bounds, the other team gets a point and/or possession of the ball. TRUE FALSE

44 It’s ok to block a ball when it is about to be spiked by the other team. TRUE FALSE

45 It’s ok to block a ball when it is about to be spiked by the other team. TRUE FALSE

46 Thanks for Playing! Hit ESC to leave

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