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Menggambar Teknik (Engineering Drawing)

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1 Menggambar Teknik (Engineering Drawing)
Edit : Lab GamTek TT-PNJ Semester I TA 2013~2014

2 Isi kuliah Menggambar Teknik (MT) terutama mempelajari:
prinsip-prinsip proyeksi ortografi, membaca gambar teknik, menggambar teknik secara free hand drawing dan memakai alat gambar (instrument drawing), menyatakan ukuran peralatan dalam gambar, dan potongan pandangan peralatan.

3 Gambar teknik Gambar teknik merupakan suatu bahasa grafik (graphic language) yang dipakai di dalam dunia industri oleh para insinyur atau perancang alat/mesin, bangunan untuk mengungkapkan serta mencatat gagasan-gagasan maupun informasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat suatu mesin atau peralatan.

4 Drawing as a language

5 The danger of visual illusion



8 Representation, visualization and specification

9 Representation, visualization and specification

10 Requirements of engineering drawings
Engineering drawings should be unambiguous and clear. For any part of a component there must be only one interpretation. The drawing must be complete. The content of an engineering drawing must provide all the information for that stage of its manufacture. The drawing must be suitable for duplication. A drawing is a specification which needs to be communicated. The information may be communicated electronically or in a hard copy format. Drawings must be language-independent. Drawings need to conform to standards. The 'highest' standards are the ISO ones that are applicable worldwide.

11 Sizes and layout of drawing sheets

12 Anatomy of a drawing 1. Title block 2. Grid system 3. Revision block
4. Notes and legends 5. Engineering drawing (graphic portion)

13 Title block

14 Grid system

15 Revision block

16 Changes

17 Notes and Legend

18 Yang perlu ada dalam lembar gambar (drawing sheet)
1. Title block. 2. Frame for limiting the drawing space. 3. Centring marks. 4. Orientation marks. 5. Metric reference graduation. 6. Grid reference system. 7. Trimming marks.

19 A typical blank sheet used for engineering drawing

20 categories of drawings.
1) piping and instrument drawings (P&IDs), 2) electrical single lines and schematics, 3) electronic diagrams and schematics, 4) logic diagrams and prints, and 5) fabrication, construction, and architectural drawings.

21 piping and instrument drawings (P&IDs)

22 electrical single lines and schematics

23 electrical single lines and schematics

24 electronic diagrams and schematics

25 logic diagrams and prints

26 fabrication, construction, and architectural drawings

27 Types of drawing 1. A design layout drawing (or design scheme) which represents in broad principles feasible solutions which meet the design requirements. 2. A detail drawing (or single part drawing) shows details of a single artefact and includes all the necessary information required for its manufacture, e.g. the form, dimensions, tolerances, material, finishes and treatments. 3. A tabular drawing shows an artefact or assembly typical of a series of similar things having a common family form but variable characteristics all of which can be presented in tabular form, e.g. a family of bolts.

28 4. An assembly drawing shows how the individual parts or subassemblies of an artefact are combined together to make the assembly. An item list should be included or referred to. An assembly drawing should not provide any manufacturing details but merely give details of how the individual parts are to be assembled together. 5. A combined drawing is a combination of detail drawings, assembly drawings and an item list. It represents the constituent details of the artefact parts, how they are manufactured, etc., as well as an assembly drawing and an accompanying item list.

29 6. An arrangement drawing can be with respect to a finished product or equipment. It shows the arrangement of assemblies and parts. It will include important functional as well as performance requirements features. An installation drawing is a particular variation of an arrangement drawing which provides the necessary details to affect installation of typically chemical equipment. 7. A diagram is a drawing depicting the function of a system, typically electrical, electronic, hydraulic or pneumatic that uses symbology. 8. An item list, sometimes called a parts list, is a list of the component parts required for an assembly. An item list will either be included on an assembly drawing or a separate drawing which the assembly drawing refers to. 9. A drawing list is used when a variety of parts make up an assembly and each separate part or artefact is detailed on a separate drawing. All the drawings and item lists will be crossreference on a drawing list.

30 An assembly drawing of a small hand vice

31 A detailed drawing of a small hand vice

32 Manual and machine drawing
Manual drawing:  draughtsman Machine drawing:  computer (AutoCAD, etc)

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