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Scientific Method Review. Scientific Method Ask a Question: –state the purpose of what you are trying to figure out Form a Hypothesis: –a tentative explanation.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method Review. Scientific Method Ask a Question: –state the purpose of what you are trying to figure out Form a Hypothesis: –a tentative explanation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method Review

2 Scientific Method Ask a Question: –state the purpose of what you are trying to figure out Form a Hypothesis: –a tentative explanation of what you think will happen –written in an “if, then, because” statement

3 Experiment: –Testing your hypothesis –Parts: Control- used as a standard, kept constant throughout the experiment Variables- things that are changed throughout the experiment –Relevant- affects the outcome »Independent- the variable that the scientist chooses to change »Dependent- the variable that automatically changes during the experiment –Irrelevant- do not affect the outcome of the experiment

4 Data: –Collection of information from observations made by the scientist Quantitative- number based Qualitative- descriptions based Observations made using 5 senses or instruments –Direct Observations- made with your senses –Indirect Observations- made using instruments –Be careful of inferences = assumptions or guesses made based on the observation. Can give false conclusions –Data turned into: graphs, charts, descriptions


6 How Observant Are You? Who Did It?

7 Conclusion: –Summary of Data –Must include: Restate the hypothesis Accept or reject the hypothesis AND explain why Describe the results of your data related to your hypothesis Errors and suggestions for improvement


9 Other Important Ideas Theory- well tested model that explains a phenomenon Law- describes mathematical statements on relationships accurately Limitation- condition on an experiment Replicates- a repetition of an experiment without changing any variables Trials change the independent variable and repeat

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