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Information for the day Please note the Guest WiFi password is F9F8F7F6F5 Twitter: #SPARKEvent #VISS Start Time: 9:00 am Break: 10:30 Finish Time: Before.

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Presentation on theme: "Information for the day Please note the Guest WiFi password is F9F8F7F6F5 Twitter: #SPARKEvent #VISS Start Time: 9:00 am Break: 10:30 Finish Time: Before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information for the day Please note the Guest WiFi password is F9F8F7F6F5 Twitter: #SPARKEvent #VISS Start Time: 9:00 am Break: 10:30 Finish Time: Before 12:00 pm due to cancelations by presenters

2 The Tech Teacher Stephanie Bernier Head of ICT, Art, Design and Technology, VISS #SPARKevent #VISS Twitter: @steph_bernier01

3 What is a Teacher’s Digital Toolbox? The platforms, devices, software, websites and apps that are effective for teachers to use in their 21 st century practice, with the awareness of E- Safety.

4 Digital Portfolio on Google Drive linked to an Edmodo Assignment

5 Progression of the Digital Portfolio

6 Commenting, Annotating a rubric and final mark in Edmodo Annotated rubric

7 Awareness of Student Safety Online Use the school’s student numbers to sign up for various websites. This avoids the inevitable loss of account details and promotes safety online without listing a “real name”. Encourage students to use a variation of the password they use to log onto the school network ex:@Dev234@ Always use the students school email account as a reset link.

8 Comment/Discuss in an Online Community like Scratch in Safety Students can comment on each other’s games online. Others in the online community can make comments on students’ work It is very clear that they aren’t from our school community, no adherence to VISS’ naming conventions.

9 Classroom management of the ICT labs LanSchool - monitoring, assisting, collaborating and communicating software Meraki or Casper Suite for Apple Devices Turn off screens When not in use, close all laptops, place iPads on a common table by the teacher’s desk, and collect mobile phones.

10 Flipped Classroom/Blended Learning SoftwareFeaturesAdvantages Explain EverythingIt is like a whiteboard: write, draw, record, explain, add photos, videos, shapes. Now available on Android Devices, including PHONES.! Saves directly to Google Drive/Drop Box Screencast-O-maticRecording Screens and Webcam Also allows video via a webcam CamstasiaScreen recording, video, Green Screen Effect, Saves to Google Drive or Youtube Snagit (Chrome Extenstion) Screenshots, screen capture, or screen video recording. Saves files to Google Drive iMovieVideo, editing, transitions and choice of effects including sound built in Easy set up with iPad, saves to camera roll for exporting

11 Keeping organized - Teacher’s Planner, Grade book and so much more! Lesson planner has two different views: Weekly and Daily Diary: Day/Week/Month/Timeline views of a single class Timetable and Seating plans Resource manager keeps track of PDFs, audio, files, links, images, etc. Reports are configurable Student data can be imported via a csv or spreadsheet file Idoceo’s spreadsheet engine will calculate averages in real time as you input data. No internet connection is required to use it. Full back-up and restore options are available with various cloud storage Advantage: Only available as an App for iPad, easy to carry around with you!

12 ICT Evangelist’s (Mark Anderson) List of IPAD APPS Twitter: @ICTEvangelist

13 Developing PD/Learning Opportunities Twitter (follow people like ICT Evangelist) Edmodo Groups Facebook Groups Spark Events – check the Archives Khan Academy You Tube Pinterest

14 Summary of my suggestions for Teacher’s Digital Toolbox Google Drive, Edmodo, Software for Flipped/Blended learning Sign-up to online platforms by taking E-Safety considerations into account. Use software and techniques to help you manage the digital classroom Consider a digital planner, grade book etc. like Idoceo to keep organized. Professional Development Opportunities

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