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Teacher Hand Scoring Training Smarter Balanced IABs – ELA Module 16/Secondary 1 Presented by Karlyn Davis-Welton

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Hand Scoring Training Smarter Balanced IABs – ELA Module 16/Secondary 1 Presented by Karlyn Davis-Welton"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Hand Scoring Training Smarter Balanced IABs – ELA Module 16/Secondary 1 Presented by Karlyn Davis-Welton

2 Today’s Learning Goals and Success Criteria Learning Targets  Learn to use the Smarter Balanced Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplar Packets.  Gain a better understanding of the implications of this work in regards to instructional practices.  Become familiar with how to use the AVA for instructional purposes. Success Criteria  Be able to use the Hand Scoring Materials to score student work.  Based on my new learning, I have at least two or more ideas I can take back to my classroom that will impact my Common Core aligned lesson plans.  Be able to use the AVA to impact classroom instruction. 2

3 Training Agenda  Accessing materials in the THSS on WCAP  Hand Scoring Materials & Exemplar Packets  Entering your students’ scores into THSS  Down loading the reports from ORS  Accessing the AVA 3

4 LET’S REVIEW: Scavenger Hunt Log into WCAP Portal: 4

5 Click AVA-Sign In 5 Select Grade 8

6 Click Selected Test Icon 6 Choose Gr. 8 IAB Reading Informational Text

7 Click TIDE Icon & Log In 7

8 Click THSS Materials Icon 8 OR

9 THSS Materials: (Grade 8) #49925 Choose THSS Materials 9 Pull up both the Training Guide (TG) and Exemplars (EX) for Reading Informational Text (Grade 8 #49925)

10 Needed Materials: Quick Check 10 Pull out your… 1.Training Guide (TG) & Exemplars (EX) for Reading Informational Text (Grade 8 #49925) 2.Assignment Template for Module #16 3.Red, Blue, & Green colored pencil or pens

11 11

12 Training Guide: What does it include?  Stimulus (p. 2 & 3) Passage  Item Stem (p. 4) Question  Target-specific Rubric (p. 4)  Condition Code Document (p. 5)  Target Chart (p. 7) Targets in Claim 1 12

13 Activity 1: Training Guide  Read the first page of the training guide. Write down questions you have on your assignment template  Read the item stem (page 4).  Carefully read the stimulus (page 2-3). Mark the text accordingly. 13

14 Assignment Template: Question #1  You are welcome to pause the video at this point to read through the Training Guide material  Write down questions on your Assignment Template. 14

15 Activity 2: Closer Look at Rubric Criteria With your critical friend…  Examine the rubric (page 4). Circle the qualifiers that determine a 2 or a 1 point response. What do you notice about score point 0?  Pay close attention to the three bullet points at each score point. 15

16 A Closer Look at this Rubric Let’s underline these qualifiers that justify a level 2, 1, 0. Take out your colored pencils or markers (Red, Blue, & Green) 16

17 Color-coding Qualifiers in the Rubric Underline the qualifiers (sentences) that justify a level 2, 1, 0  Red – Talks about the evidence to determine a central idea  Blue – Cites the evidence  Green – Ties together their evidence and citing with their explanation. 17

18 Assignment Template: Question #2 You are welcome to pause the video at this point to complete the task. Task: Circle the qualifiers that determine a 2 or a 1 point on your Assignment Template. 18

19 Let’s see how you are doing… 19

20 20

21 Now finish underlining “0” 21 You are welcome to pause the video at this point to complete the task.

22 Assignment Template: Question #3 Discuss with your critical friend… What did you notice about the qualifiers that determined a 2 or a 1 point response? What did you notice about score point 0? 22 You are welcome to pause the video at this point to complete the task.

23 Let’s Check Our Responses Did you notice that the three bullet points for each score point… Gives the answer (either states a central idea OR provides an inference/conclusion). Gives evidence from the text. Provides an explanation for the evidence. 23

24 Needed Materials: Quick Check 24 Pull out your… 1.Exemplar Set (Grade 8 #49925) 2.Assignment Template for Module #16

25 25 Grade 8 Read Informational Text

26 Exemplar Set: What does it include? 1. Prep Set “Marks the Spot” (p. 1) 2. Check Set “Marks the Spot” (p.12) 3. Key (for Scoring) (p. 23) 26

27 Activity 4: The Prep Set Open your Prep Set to page 2.  Peruse the table at the top of the page. 27

28 Activity 4: The Prep Set  Review the item stem – it should match what you saw in the Training Guide 28

29 Activity 4: The Prep Set  Read the student response (these responses are from the SBA field test 2014) 29

30 Activity 4: The Prep Set  Read the comments (the comments are from professional scorers) 30

31 Activity 4: Guided Practice  Follow the directions provided on the next 7 slides 31

32 Item Stem: Student Response: Grade 8 #49925 Marks the Spot! Target 9 Score point 2 32

33 33 Student response:

34 Criteria 1 Determines the main idea 34 The central idea of “marks the Spot” is that Khufu put a lot of effort into planning and constructing his tomb.

35 Criteria 2 Evidence from the text 35 …in the text, it says, “The desert was the perfect cemetery” and “near the city of Memphis, Egypt’s capital at the time and the center of his government” and “near Heliopolis.”

36 Criteria 3 Explains 36 He had to keep everyone else in mind as well and plan where everyone would be buried or such.

37 Item Stem: Student Response: Grade 8 #49925 Marks the Spot Target 9 Score point 1 37 (p. 4)

38 Item Stem: Summarize the central idea of “Marks the Spot.” Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Student Response: He wants to have a tomb for just his friends and family (p. 9) Grade 8 #49925 Marks the Spot Target 9 Score point 0 38

39 Activity 5: Calibrating Score Points  Follow the directions provided on the next 2 slides 39

40 Main Idea Comparison 40 Score 2: The central idea of “marks the Spot” is that Khufu put a lot of effort into planning and constructing his tomb. Score 1: Score 0: He wants to have a tomb for just his friends and family sufficient limited “Marks the Spot” is mainly about Khufu, one of the kings of Egypt and his tomb. It tells all about the difference factors he had to consider when planning his burial place. He had to follow the many traditions in customs as well. limited

41 Explanation Comparison 41 Score 2: Score 1: Score 0: clear specific Provides no explanation He had to keep everyone else in mind as well and plan where everyone would be buried or such. Provides no explanation

42 Tips regarding Holistic Scoring  To receive a score point 2, all parts of the student’s response do not have to fall into the 2 point criteria. Example: a student’s response may be sufficient in their ability to determine the main idea (first bullet point) and their examples (second bullet point) but have a vague or limited explanation (third bullet point) and still score a 2. Example: a student’s response may be limited in their ability to determine the main idea (first bullet point) but their examples (second bullet point) and explanation (third bullet point) are adequate/sufficient and still score a 2.  The same theory works for scoring a 1. 42

43 Activity 6: Marking and Discussing Student Responses in the Prep Set With your critical friend, you will …  Return to the Prep Set and complete the rest of the pages by highlighting the criteria from the rubric  Use the comments from each page to clarify score points 43

44 Scoring Note:  Please note: In the comment section of some of the score point 1 papers you will notice the statement “no explanation provided.”  This phrase may be misleading.  The score points are correct and the rubric is accurate. 44

45 Activity 7: Score the Check Set With your critical friend, you will …  Examine the check set Notice the table is similar to the Prep Set except the score point is missing.  Complete all 10 pages by highlighting each criteria and determining a score point. 45

46 Activity 8 : Check for Understanding With your critical friend, you will …  Examine the key Check score points and comments Discuss aha’s and noticing's 46

47 Activity 9 – Next Steps  What have you learned and how will that inform your instruction? 47

48 Scoring Accessing the WCAP Portal and the THSS 48

49 Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) Sign into the WCAP Portal 49

50 The THSS  Click on the Interim Teacher Hand Scoring System  Score your students’ responses 50 Look for common patterns of strengths and weaknesses Jot down any information you want to save – once you submit you will not see the student papers.

51 51

52 52

53 Be sure to submit the score. 53

54 54

55 Click AVA-Sign In 55 Select Grade 8

56 Click Selected Test Icon 56 Choose Gr. 8 IAB Reading Informational Text

57 Application Viewing Assessment (AVA) Here are some ways to use this tool with your instruction in the classroom. 1. Preview this prior to giving the test. 2. Create a hard copy of the test and have students use this along with the on-line test. 3. Later on, review their work to see what questions students found problematic. 4. From the hand scoring tool, prior to submitting their scores, write down some of your student responses that were a 2 pt, 1 pt., 0 pt. 5. Next, share the rubric and explain how the 2 pt. was scored. 6. Have students practice with a 1 pt. to make the response a 2 pt. 57

58 What other suggestions do you have?  Add your ideas and suggestions to the Assignment Template. 58

59 Assignment for Module #16 59

60 Assignment for Module #16 60

61 Assignment for Module #16 61

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