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Welcome to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening. School Values Assessment without levels Mentoring meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening. School Values Assessment without levels Mentoring meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening

2 School Values Assessment without levels Mentoring meetings

3 TJ School Values A vision for us all to share & use as the basis for how we learn, work and interact here at TJ An invitation to buy in to the values of…….

4 Respect due regard for the feelings wishes & rights of others shown through…. – how we speak to each other – how we act towards each other – how we acknowledge each others’ roles – eg adult /child head / SLT / Staff – Staff / Parent Manager / Team Leader / Staff

5 Actively Caring Compassion Everyone has the ability to care for others; all we need is a proactive approach. Most importantly, caring for others is easy. Little sacrifice or deviation from your typical routine is required. It takes only seconds to do someone a favour, but the contagious nature of such acts is undeniable. Through caring for others, as a community, we collectively possess the ability to make an impressive difference in each others’ lives.

6 Positive regard for all Celebrating difference Encouraging individuality Being proud to stand out from the crowd

7 Team work Pulling together Valuing differing skills, approaches & contributions

8 To be the best that we can be!

9 Assessment without levels 2014 DFE announced that National Curriculum Levels would no longer be used No replacement system – each school to develop systems to assess and report progress and attainment

10 New National Curriculum Raised expectations of knowledge and skills for each year group Last year Yrs 1,3,4 & 5 – new curriculum Yrs 2 & 6 - old curriculum This year all year groups in synch

11 National Curriculum now arranged so that the vast majority of children will be learning at a stage relevant to their age. TJ has adopted a system where children are seen to be Emerging Expected Exceeding relevant to their academic year Some, but very few children will be working at a stage below their academic year Some very high achieving pupils will work at Exceptional Stage

12 Exceptional Emphasis is now on developing depth of knowledge and expertise in children Except in very rare cases, children will remain working at the stage of the curriculum relevent to their age.

13 PointFS1FS2Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5 Y6 Progress 37 36 Exceeding 35 34 Expected Progress KS2 18 pts 33 Expected 32 Exceeding 31 30 Emerging 29 Expected 28 Exceeding Beginning 27 26 Emerging 25 Expected 24 Exceeding Beginning 23 22 Emerging 21 Expected 20 Exceeding Beginning 19 18 Emerging Expected Progress KS1 8 Pts 17 Expected 16 Exceeding Beginning 15 14 Emerging 13 Expected 12 Exceeding Beginning 11 10 Emerging Expected Progress FS 8 Pts. 9 Expected 8 Exceeding Beginning 7 6 Emerging 5 Expected 4 3 2 Emerging 1 POINTFS1FS2Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6 Progress Whole School Tracking Model Expected Progress 4 Points per year

14 Pupil Mentoring Meetings Traditional Parent Evenings……… Rushed Limited information Limited use to child Mentoring Meetings Informative for parents and child Motivational Positive and effective

15 What happens? Teacher: has knowledge of your child’s attainment, next steps and any support which may be necessary Child: has completed their own self assessment, know what they have achieved and what they would like to learn next Meeting: positive discussion, agreement and planning of next steps

16 Parent: Involved in the process of planning future learning, fully informed & aware of each party’s roles Targets related to Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Attitude and Attendance

17 Meetings during week commencing Monday 19 th October 15 minute appointments 8:30 – 10:30 Monday – Thursday. Bring in your child at your appointment time 4:00 – 7:00 Thursday 22 nd October

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