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WHAT IS ‘ANOREXIA NERVOSA’? Anorexia Nervosa is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder. A patient with anorexia nervosa, often just called "anorexia"

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS ‘ANOREXIA NERVOSA’? Anorexia Nervosa is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder. A patient with anorexia nervosa, often just called "anorexia""— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS ‘ANOREXIA NERVOSA’? Anorexia Nervosa is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder. A patient with anorexia nervosa, often just called "anorexia" (although the meaning is different), has a distorted body image and an exaggerated fear of becoming overweight or obese - so a deliberate effort is made to lose weight.

2 WHAT CAUSES ANOREXIA NERVOSA? Anorexia Nervosa has no single cause. The majority of experts believe the mental disorder is caused by a combination of biological, environmental and psychological factors.

3 The Following Risk Factors Have Been Associated with Anorexia Nervosa: Being overly obsessed with rules Having a tendency towards depression Being overly worried about one’s weight and shape Being perfectionist Having a negative self image Having eating problems during early childhood or infancy Holding specific cultural/social ideas regarding beauty and health

4 Signs and Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa Having a pale face Pretending to eat or lying about eating Losing weight Low body temperature Cool hands and feet Growing hair all over the body Irregular periods Throwing up Over-sensitivity about appearance Hiding food acting like eating them

5 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIETING AND ANOREXIA HEALTHY DIETING ANOREXIA Healthy dieting is an attempt to control weight. Anorexia is an attempt to control your life and emotions. Your self-esteem is based on more than just weight and body image. Your self-esteem is based entirely on how much you weigh and how thin you are. You view weight loss as a way to improve your health and appearance. You view weight loss as a way to achieve happiness. Your goal is to lose weight in a healthy way. Becoming thin is all that matters; health is not a concern.

6 Getting Help for Anorexia Nervosa Deciding to get help for Anorexia is not an easy choice to make. It’s not uncommon to feel like Anorexia is part of identity – or even your ‘’friend’’. You may think that Anorexia has such a powerful hold over you that you’ll never be able to overcome it. But while change is hard, it is possible.

7 Steps to Anorexia Recovery Admit you have a problem. Talk to someone. Stay away from people, places and activities that trigger your obsession with being thin. Seek professional help.

8 Treatment Options for Anorexia Nervosa Ideally, treatment should consist of a combination of medication, psychotherapy, family therapy and nutrition counseling.

9 The patient needs a comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to meet his or her requirements. The treatment has the following goals: Restoring the patient’s body weight to a healthy level. Treating emotional problems, including low self- esteem. Addressing distorted thinking. Helping the patient develop behavioral changes that will persist over the long term.

10 Psychotherapy The patient learns how to develop healthy attitudes towards food and body weight. Effective ways of responding to stressful or difficult situations are also learned.

11 Medication There is no medication specifically for Anorexia Nervosa. The doctor may prescibe drugs to control anxiety, OCD or anti-depressants.

12 Nutrition Counseling The Aim is to help the patient regain a healthy approach to body weight, food and eating habits. Sometimes this requires comprehensive education on the role of a balanced diet in maintaining good health. Hospitalization In cases of severe weight-loss or persistent refusal to eat or psychiatric emergencies, it may be necessary to hospitalize the patient.

13 Complications The complications of Anorexia Nervosa are much less likely to occur if the patient is diagnosed early and receives prompt and proper treatment. Death Cardiovascular Problems Hematological Problems Gastrointestinal Problems Kidney Problems Hormonal Problems Bone Fractures

14 BY Şimal Cansız Simge Çeşit Köksal Poyraz Karali

15 REFERENCES 67432.php#what_are_the_causes_of_anorexi a_nervosa 67432.php#what_are_the_causes_of_anorexi a_nervosa disorders/anorexia-nervosa.htm disorders/anorexia-nervosa.htm A’dan Z’ye Hastalıklar by Alev Aktürk Demir

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