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Political Parties. Role of Political Parties in a Democracy  What is a political party?  Why are parties essential to democracy? Keep elected officials.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Parties. Role of Political Parties in a Democracy  What is a political party?  Why are parties essential to democracy? Keep elected officials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Parties

2 Role of Political Parties in a Democracy  What is a political party?  Why are parties essential to democracy? Keep elected officials responsive Stimulate political interest Ensure accountability Help people make sense of complexity in politics Make government work They facilitate majority rule

3 American Two-Party System  Why a Two-Party System?  Role of Minor Parties in the Two-Party System  Shifts in the American Two-Party System

4 TABLE 9.1: Major political parties in American history

5 Why a Two-Party System?  Proportional representation (PR) v. SMDP Seats apportioned by percentage of vote  Winner-take-all First past the post Incentives v. disincentives for small parties Cabinet v. president

6 9.2 Why a Two-Party System?  Restrictions on minor parties Ballot access requirements differ by state Signatures required to get on ballot 5% minimum for federal funding Not reimbursed until after election © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 It’s all about the Electoral College © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 9.2 Role of Minor Parties in the Two-Party System  Becoming less important  Types of minor parties Protest parties Ideological parties Single-issue parties Splinter parties  Splitting the vote © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

9  Party realignments 30-40 years of one party dominance Then voting coalitions shift 9.2 Shifts in the American Two- Party System © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 9.2 FIGURE 9.1: Timeline: Party eras in the United States © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

11  New Deal party era Shifts in the American Two- Party System

12 FDR adds to his coalition

13  Dealignment era Divided government  Parties at war era Emotional appeals to base Closely divided elections Absence of bipartisanship Shifts in the American Two- Party System

14 Partisanship at the boiling point

15 The Democratic and Republican Parties Today  Parties as Organizations  Party Ideologies  Parties in Government and in the Electorate

16 FIGURE 9.2: Political party organization in the United States

17 Parties as Organizations  Party membership Party identification is everything Core supporters make up party base  Not hierarchical chain of command Loose organization

18 Parties as Organizations  Party organizations as candidate- centered Voters and donors have control  Party conventions Meet every four years Nominate presidential and VP candidates Write party platform  National party committees Conduct party business between conventions Campaign service organizations

19 Parties as Organizations  Congressional campaign committees Raise money, conduct research, provide media services, encourage candidates Controlled by party members in Congress Highly professionalized and well funded  State party organizations Relatively independent  Associated interest and advocacy groups Push parties apart on policy and ideology

20 FIGURE 9.3: Party identification and ideology, 2013

21  Ideology and party in public perceptions Increasing public perception of differences  Ideology and policies in party platforms Differences in rhetoric  Ideologies of party activists More extreme  Divisions within the parties Economic/social issue split 9.3 Party Ideologies

22 Parties in Government and in the Electorate  Government Unified government bridges separation of powers, checks and balances Divided government leads to gridlock  Electorate Independents Active partisans Leaners 9.3 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

23 FIGURE 9.4: Trends in party identification 9.3 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

24 Discussion Questions Why does the United States have a two- party system when most democratic countries have multiple parties? What role do parties serve in a democracy?

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