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GCSE Subject Choice Jill Lemon Careers Adviser Careers Service.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Subject Choice Jill Lemon Careers Adviser Careers Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Subject Choice Jill Lemon Careers Adviser Careers Service

2 Outline How to select GCSE subjects   Who and What can help   Future Impact of GCSE choices on Employability

3 What’s on offer in Lagan ?   You will be guided on this by teachers Compulsory subjects Optional subjects – some will be familiar, some may be new

4 How to select GCSE subjects   Look at subjects you enjoy   That you are good at   Take into account any requirements for careers you are interested in

5 Base conclusions on the evidence   Find out as much as you can before deciding   Research new subjects carefully   But also research familiar subjects   Try to get a balance if possible

6 Maths   Remember!   Maths A Level     You will need Maths & pref Add Maths/Further Maths at GCSE   Talk to your teachers about your abilities and useful combinations

7 Science Science A Level It is essential to study the following at GCSE:   Core & Additional Science   Single Science Subjects – Biology, Physics, Chemistry

8 Science - Getting the right formula   Think ahead   The more science you study now the more you will keep options open for the future For careers For university courses

9 The Arts   Art, languages and music can be difficult to pick up again once dropped   If you enjoy these subjects and want them to be a part of your future career then do not drop them

10 Future Impact of GCSE Choices on Employability   Some careers have set subject requirements   Many have no set subject requirements -but there may be subjects that are useful

11 Pharmacy set subject requirements for degree QUB   Chemistry   One from Biology, Maths & Physics   GCSE Biology or Double Award Science   GCSE Maths   Biology to at least AS preferred

12 Solicitor – useful subjects..   Advising and representing people English   part of a business.. Business Studies   Specialising in European Law A language   Preparing arguments, building cases RE, History, Politics   Calculate the amount of money that people named in a will are entitled to receive Maths

13 Future Impact of GCSE Choices on Employability   Research career ideas NOW   If no ideas – don’t panic!

14 Do you have career ideas now?   Check out entry requirements www.ucas/com   Consider relevant work/voluntary experience/extra curricular activities

15 No Ideas?   Don’t panic!   Keep options open Get Career Ideas Section A – Z of jobs and useful subject links Labour Market Information

16 Who can help you decide ?   Your Careers Teachers   Your Careers Adviser   Subject teachers   Your form teacher   Brothers, sisters or friends who have studied GCSE’s   Your parents or Guardians

17 Future Job Opportunities   Business & Financial Services   ICT   Agri Food Sector   Manufacturing & Engineering   Renewable Energies & Recycling   Health & Life Sciences   Creative & Digital Media

18 Future Job Opportunities   STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths In 2013 CBI Education & Skills survey reported that: “Shortages of STEM qualified graduates are widespread in engineering, hi-tech IT & science areas”

19 Future Job Opportunities   Modern Languages Only 6% world’s population native English speakers In a global job market, having a language gives you a competitive edge – 70% of businesses value foreign language skills

20 Future Job Opportunities Transferable Skills   Consider relevant work/voluntary experience/relevant extra curricular activities

21 Summary   Choose subjects you are good at   Choose subjects you enjoy   Research any career ideas you have   If none, generate some ideas using research tools   Consider subjects you might require for a future career   Consider relevant work/voluntary experience/relevant extra curricular activities

22 ..practice   We have looked at how to choose your GCSE subjects   This is the first of many important decisions you will probably make in the future   So time to practice your skills…

23 Decision making We make decisions every day of our lives - here are some to practice on: What would you like for breakfast? A) Cereals B) Toast C) A fry-up

24 More decisions! What would you like to do for a night out? A) Take your family out for a meal B) Go to bowling alley/games arcade with family C) Go for a pizza and to the cinema with friends

25 And yet more decisions! What would you choose from this menu? A) Tzatsiki B) Guacamole C) Bobotie

26 Well how did you do?   Decision 1 is quite easy as all the options are familiar   Decision 2 is more difficult as there are more factors to take into account   Decision 3 is hardest as choices may be unfamiliar to you – did you know enough to make a good decision?

27 What’s the point?   Assumptions can be dangerous   It is easy to make poor decisions if you lack information   Decision making becomes easier when you have all the facts

28 A word of caution..   Avoid making your option choices based solely on a career idea   You may change your mind!   Seek instead to pick subjects you enjoy and are interested in

29 ..and finally   Thank you for listening   Visit our website on   Contact me at

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