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Designed by Pyeongsug Kim ©2010 SI Lab Practice II (With Answers) Heterotrophic Protists Photosynthetic Protists Bryophytes.

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Presentation on theme: "Designed by Pyeongsug Kim ©2010 SI Lab Practice II (With Answers) Heterotrophic Protists Photosynthetic Protists Bryophytes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim ©2010 SI Lab Practice II (With Answers) Heterotrophic Protists Photosynthetic Protists Bryophytes Spring 2010 For Dr. Hughey’s Bio 3 Class Picture from

2 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Is it Asexual or Sexual? Most of this organism reproduce by __________. Ascomycota Saccharomyces (yeast) Budding Asexual

3 Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Label and write each function. D E A B C Receptacles :Contain male or female conceptacle :Reproductive system Air bladder :Floating Heterokontophyta Blade- use the sun's energy for photosynthesis and reproductive system Holdfast- keeps algae in place so currents and tides don't wash the organism away. Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Fucus Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae Stipe- support the algae

4 they do not perform nutrient transport “Stipes of kelps look like the stems of plants, but they do not perform nutrient transport functions like the stems of plants. Their main function is to provide support for the blades. Sorry! I,Kim, was wrong!! Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

5 Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 What is the name of Polysaccharide (compex sugar) that is produced by this organism? Macrocystis Heterokontophyta Algin Receptacle Conceptacle Phaeophyceae Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Fucus Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae

6 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Label, function, and what happens in each structure. A B C Define the following term. 1) monoecious 2) dioecious Based on your definition, are they(a&b) monoecious? dioecious? a b What is name of structure in a & b? D Conceptacle A: Oogonium(2n) B: Paraphyses C: Anteridia(2n) Having reproductive organs typical of both sexes in a single individual. Having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species. b. Dioecious (Antheridia)a. Monoecious Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Fucus Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae

7 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Name of structure? What is the structure in left slide? What happens in this structure? Tetrasporangia-Produce tetraspores(n) Polysiphonia Rhophyta Tetrasporophyte

8 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 What is the structure in left slide? What happens in this structure? Carposporangia-Produce Carpospores(n) What is the structure in left slide? What happens in this structure? Spermatangia-Produce spermatia(n) Male? Female?male

9 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 What is the name of structure? Chlorophyta Oedogonium Oogonium Name of two structure in the left slide? What happens in each structure? A: Oogonium – produce egg B: Antheridium –produce sperms A B

10 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Ulva What is the structure that you are seeing? Two layer thallus Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Spirogyra How do they reproduce? Is sexual? asexual? Conjugation Sexual

11 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Chara A B Label and what happens in each structure? A: Oogonium –produce egg B: Anteridium - produce sperm Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Monoecious; Both female and male reproductive system in a body. Monoecious? Dioecious? How do you know?

12 What is the structure name? What happens in this structure? -Produce spores (n) Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Laminaria Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae Sporangia

13 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Spirogyra Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Chara Monoecious; Both female and male reproductive system in a body. Monoecious? Dioecious? How do you know?

14 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Volvox Rhodophyta Polysiphonia Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Oedogonium Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Macrocystis Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae

15 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Ulothrix Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Ulva

16 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Archegoniophore Sporophytes(2n) Female? Male? Antheridiophore Female? Male? Gemma cups Label Male? Female? Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Hepatophyta Marchantia

17 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Hepatophyta Marchantia Gamma cups Function of gemmae? Asexual reproduction What is the structure name? What happens in this structure? Sexual? Asexual? Asexual Containing gemmae

18 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Antheridia Archegonia with eggs(n) What is each structure name? What happens in this structure? Sporangia(2n);produce spores(n)

19 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Anthoceros Anthocerophyta Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Female Gametophyte(n) Sporophyte Sporocyte Label What happens in each structure?

20 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Sporophyte(2n) Sporangium Female gametophytes(n) Label What happens in each structure? Phylum ______________ Class ______________ Genus ______________ Mnium Bryophyta Bryidae

21 Antheridia What happens in these structure? Produce sperms(n) Archegonia Egg Stalk Neck Paraphyses Antheridia Spermatogenus tissue Sterile jacket layer Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Label, Name the structure and each function. Phylum ______________ Class ______________ Genus ______________ Mnium Bryophyta Bryidae

22 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C You are seeing a Bryophyte. What is the name of the thread-like structure? Protonemata

23 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Female? Male? Marchantia Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Hepatophyta Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Anthoceros Anthocerophyta Phylum ______________ Class ______________ Genus ______________ Mnium Bryophyta Bryidae

24 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum ___________ Genus ___________ Female? Male? Marchantia Hepatophyta Phylum ____________ Class ____________ Genus ____________ Bryophyta Polytrichum Bridae

25 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Ulva These are the algae you saw in the Bio3 lab.(Herbarium) Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Chaetomorpha Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Rhodophyta Polysiphonia Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Rhodophyta Porphyra

26 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Fucus Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae

27 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Larminaria Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae

28 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum __________________ Class __________________ Genus __________________ Macrocystis Heterokontophyta Phaeophyceae Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Chlorophyta Chara Dioecious; Only female reproductive system (oogonia) are seen. Monoecious? Dioecious? How do you know?

29 Phylum ______________ Class ____________ Genus __________ Sphagnum Bryophyta Sphagnidae Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2010 What structure does the arrow point? What happens in each structure? Sporangia; produce spores

30 Phylum ______________ Class ____________ Name __________ Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Diatoms Pennate Centric Diatoms are encased within a unique cell wall made of __________________. silica (silicon dioxide) Bacillariophyceae Heterokontophyta What type of diatoms are there?(pennate? Centric?)

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