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QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Determining amount of ions present in samples.

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1 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Determining amount of ions present in samples

2 Gravimetric analysis 1.63 g fertiliser is added to 300.0 mL water. Excess BaCl 2 is added until no further ppt forms After filtering and drying to constant mass, sample weighed 1.81 g Calculate percent sulphate Describe how the reliability and accuracy of the procedure could be improved. Calculate percent sulphur

3 Gravimetric Analysis Find the % Mg ions in 250 mL sea water Done by adding excess NaOH to form 0.703 g of ppt

4 HSC Question: Evaluate the use of gravimetric analysis in determining the chemical composition of materials such as lawn fertilisers.

5 Instrumental Analysis

6 Cathode lamp

7 AAS Cathode lamp is specific for the element to be measured Eg. To test lead in water sample use a lead cathode; the lamp will generate wavelengths that are specific to lead Absorbance (A) α Concentration (c) Standard Solutions Prepare a series of dilutions of a standard solution containing the metal to be analysed Nebuliser The diluted standards and unknown are aspirated into the flame; light is absorbed by the hot atoms

8 Measuring Absorption The light passes through a monochromator (mirrors & diffraction grating) which selects a single wavelength The intensity of this selected beam is measured It is compared to the reference beam (with no sample) and converted into an electrical signal A = kc The greater the concentration, the greater the amount of light absorbed.

9 Calibration graph A control blank (containing only solvent) is used; zero concentration = zero absorbance


11 HSC Question: Assess the impact of AAS on the scientific understanding of the effects of trace elements.

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