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Academy District 20 21 st Century Cadre What We Learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Academy District 20 21 st Century Cadre What We Learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academy District 20 21 st Century Cadre What We Learned

2 Purpose “Academy District 20 seeks to improve student achievement, reduce high school dropout rates, improve teacher practice, integrate 21st century learning skills, and provide educational options for its students by establishing, identifying, developing, and deploying 21st century skills in all schools, at all levels, through in-building, online, and dual credit approaches.”

3 Purpose “Academy District 20 seeks to improve student achievement, reduce high school dropout rates, improve teacher practice, integrate 21st century learning skills, and provide educational options for its students by establishing, identifying, developing, and deploying 21st century skills in all schools, at all levels, through in-building, online, and dual credit approaches.”

4 Purpose “Academy District 20 seeks to improve student achievement, reduce high school dropout rates, improve teacher practice, integrate 21st century learning skills, and provide educational options for its students by establishing, identifying, developing, and deploying 21st century skills in all schools, at all levels, through in-building, online, and dual credit approaches.”

5 Purpose “Academy District 20 seeks to improve student achievement, reduce high school dropout rates, improve teacher practice, integrate 21st century learning skills, and provide educational options for its students by establishing, identifying, developing, and deploying 21st century skills in all schools, at all levels, through in-building, online, and dual credit approaches.”

6 Purpose “Academy District 20 seeks to improve student achievement, reduce high school dropout rates, improve teacher practice, integrate 21st century learning skills, and provide educational options for its students by establishing, identifying, developing, and deploying 21st century skills in all schools, at all levels, through in-building, online, and dual credit approaches.”


8 Our Learning Process Face-to-Face Online PLN Field Trips/Peer Observations Conferences Reflection

9 Essential Question What elements of classroom culture and practice are essential for 21 st century learning, and how can I apply them ?

10 Academy District 20 21 st Century Skills

11 Learning Goals – Inquiry Process – Individuals –Write 2-3 guiding questions that you will be seeking answers to during your professional learning with the cadre.

12 A Sampling of Guiding Questions ”What skills do we as 20th Century learners need to acquire in order to teach 21st Century Skills to 21st Century learners?”

13 A Sampling of Guiding Questions ”How can I provide an enriching environment that allows students to take ownership of their learning and become active in the acquisition of information?”

14 A Sampling of Guiding Questions “How do I facilitate a classroom where applying knowledge to real world situations becomes commonplace?”

15 A Sampling of Guiding Questions “What do I want inquiry to look like in my classroom?”

16 A Sampling of Guiding Questions “How do you motivate all students?”

17 Our PLN

18 Online Discussion Themes Motivation – August Culture of Inquiry – September Democratic Classrooms – October Conference Blogging/Catch-up- November Global Connections - December Gaming and Scenario Based Learning-January Creativity, Innovation & Invention- February- March Digital Citizenship– April Change & Reflection – May

19 Expectation 15 hours of Professional Development for their entire staff

20 Some Top-Rated Learning Legos Serious Play Gaming (its not what you think!) “Quadrant D”

21 Centers for Learning 20 minutes per center – then rotate clockwise Before you leave each center, complete the Google Doc indicating how you might use this strategy in your class or describing what you built or learned – comment on others!complete the Google Doc Back to whole group at 10:10

22 Results

23 “Wow! I have learned sooo much but haven't even touched the surface. This has changed how I view my classroom.”

24 “21st century is not just technology!!! :) It is a whole different mindset!”

25 “The readings, discussions, conference, application and reflection all played a part in finding answers and deepening my knowledge and excitement around 21st century teaching.”

26 “It has helped see the value of making teaching and learning rigorous and relevant. I also have a greater passion to link the classroom to the community and articulate how education directly impacts the community.”

27 “I broadened my understanding of 21st century skills, professionals' opinions, found more reading material, listened and collaborated with colleagues, and realized there is so much more I can/should be doing to prepare my students for tomorrow.”

28 “Again, just like we have been taught...learning is doing not just listening.”

29 “I am finding many new ways to motivate and engage the reluctant learner through the methods I have studied.”

30 What they will implement

31 Resources Created 21 st Century Teacher 21 st Century Teacher Technology and 21 st Century Skills Rubric for Teachers Technology and 21 st Century Skills Rubric for Teachers 21 st Century Skills Rubric 21 st Century Skills Rubric Innovation Station

32 Next Steps DoDEA Continuation Project

33 Expectations: Instructional Design 4 UbD Units per teacher – Driven by standards – Learning goals and assessments aligned – for both content and 21 st century skills – Utilize a blended learning strategy – Include formative assessment and feedback plan – Quadrant D – Real world relevance Quadrant D

34 Expectation: 21 st Century Learning Environments What is Blended Learning?

35 Expectation: Assessing 21 st Century Skills

36 Expectations: Resources Curating – Choice of tools (Flexbook, Apple iBooks Author, Soft Chalk, ALEC’s book module, wiki, etc.)FlexbookiBooks Author Soft Chalkwiki – Video tutorials – Multimedia – Accessible via mobile devices and computers – Supports the 4 UbD units

37 Sustainability 100% of District 20 Teachers have had a minimum of 15 hours of professional development on 21 st Century Learning Blended Learning Approach to Professional Development (maximize time) Learn IT

38 Thank You!

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