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Creating a Business Project Put your name here.. Creativity Give at least one example of how you used creativity while doing this project.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Business Project Put your name here.. Creativity Give at least one example of how you used creativity while doing this project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Business Project Put your name here.

2 Creativity Give at least one example of how you used creativity while doing this project.

3 Decision Making Decision making is an important skill to run a business. How did you use decision making during this project? To make good decisions you should be able to look at alternatives, and evaluate them…what things did you evaluate and decide on?

4 Planning Being able to plan or organize your thoughts is a valuable tool when running a business. Organizing people and planning what everyone will do helps make a business successful. Share ways you did this during the project.

5 Forecasting Being able to predict and think about what might work and what might not is a very important skill. Can you think of ways you did this?

6 Communication Being able to communicate both verbally and non-verbally is an important skill. Advertising would be just one of many ways this is done while running a business. Being able to talk with other workers is another. Choose one example where you used your communication skills while working on this project.

7 Implementing Having ideas is great, but being able to put them to work is implementation. Show or write about something that demonstrates this important skill. How will you implement YOUR business plan?

8 Human Relations Human relations means being able to get along with others. Show an example of something you did while working with others on this project. Write about how you used your human relations skills to make it all work.

9 Discerning Opportunities Being able to see an opportunity to make a change, or do something different is an important skill, were you able to do this during this project? If so how? An example of this might be, you were going to make a poster using poster board, but all of it was gone. So you used butcher paper instead.

10 Reflections Include feelings about the project here. Was this a worthwhile project? What did you learn? What would you do differently if you had the chance?

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