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Anston Hillcrest Primary School Key Stage 1 & 2 Reading Workshop Tuesday 19 th January 2010 Stefanie Senior.

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1 Anston Hillcrest Primary School Key Stage 1 & 2 Reading Workshop Tuesday 19 th January 2010 Stefanie Senior

2 Assessment FocusesAssessment Focuses 1.Decoding accurately and reading with understanding. 2.Seek, find and understand information. 3.Reading in between the lines using inference and deduction. Interpreting the text. 4.Structure. Commenting on presentational devices and organisation. 5.Language. Why did the writer use that word / phrase etc. 6.The writer’s attitude. The purpose of a text. 7.The text and the World. How the text fits into its social, historical, cultural, literary heritage context.

3 Assessment Focus 1 Decode accurately and read with understanding. Reading familiar & tricky words Blending phonemes to read new words. Read using punctuation. Use different strategies to read words i.e. phonic knowledge & context. Reading with fluency using voices & tones to give expression. Keep concentration when reading. Read silently

4 Assessment Focus 2 Seek, find and understand. Literal responses to the text. Text reference.

5 Assessment Focus 2 Seek, find and understand. Literal responses to the text. Text reference. 1. Talk about the main characters and events. Find information to answer questions. 2. Find information in text using contents page, index, blurb, glossary etc. Discuss main characters and events in detail and use text to support ideas. 4. Scan texts to find information quickly. Identify issues in texts and talk about them using evidence to support ideas. 3. Support answers and opinions using reference to the text. Use skimming and scanning confidently to identify main points. 5. Retrieve, collate, summarise and critically evaluate information from a full range of sources.

6 Assessment Focus 3 Reading between the lines using inference and deduction. Interpreting a text. Text reference.

7 Assessment Focus 3 1. Say what I think about characters and events in a story. Talk about what parts of the text mean. 2. Talk about what characters might be thinking or feeling using clues in the text. 4.Identfiy and explain hinted points of view. Refer to the text to support opinions and predictions from clues. 3. Read between the lines using clues in the text and through own experience. Tell the different between fact and opinion. 5. Use a full range of evidence to support and justify my opinions and predictions. Compare and contrast points of view. Reading between the lines using inference and deduction. Interpreting a text. Text reference.

8 August 12 th Stayed last night in N & S’s house in West London. A Victorian terrace with rising damp. Cases packed and in the hall. We’re waiting for a taxi that hasn’t arrived.

9 Assessment Focus 4 Structure Commenting on presentational features.

10 Assessment Focus 4 1.Retell a story in the Correct order. Talk about some simple features of texts.. 2. Describing how a text is organised. Talk about how a text is structured. 4. Identify the structure of a text. Use the way a text is organised to aid understanding. 3. Identify the main features of fiction and non fiction texts and how they affect the reader. 5. Explore and comment on how writer’s structural choices can support the theme and purpose of a text. Structure Commenting on presentational features.


12 Assessment Focus 5 Language Why did the writer use that word/ phrase / image / sentence ? Literary awareness Impact on the reader.

13 Assessment Focus 5 Language Why did the writer use that.. Literary awareness and impact. 1. Recognising repeated words and phrases in texts. 2. Talk about how the words that the author has chosen affect the text. 4. Give opinions about the author’s use of imagery and figurative language and say whether it has been successful.. 3. Discuss how the author has used simple language to create mood and tension. 5. Explore and evaluate the author's styles and techniques used to create moods, messages and feelings, using evidence from the text.

14 The Turtle When they offered the turtle some food, the author says that the creature was …like a vulture, snapping, crunching, swallowing… The picture I get in my mind is…

15 Assessment Focus 6 The writer Writer’s purpose. Writer’s attitudes and values. Big messages about life.

16 Assessment Focus 6 The writer Writer’s purpose. Writer’s attitudes and values. Big messages about life. 1. Talk about what they like to read and why. 2. Say what they like about the text and use parts of the text to show this. 4.Identify points of view within the text and give reasons for them. Discuss how the writer develops the plot. 3. Identify the main purpose of the text. Comment on how the author wants the reader to respond to the text. 5.Evaluate the effect of implied and multi-layered meanings. Talk about and analyse the success of texts and writer’s in evoking certain responses from the reader..


18 Assessment Focus 7 The text and the World How the text fits into its social, historical, cultural, literary heritage context.

19 Assessment Focus 7 The text and the World How the text fits into its social, historical, cultural, literary heritage context. 1. Discuss features of a story and information texts. 2. Talk about the place and time referred to in the text. 4. Comment and understand how the reader’s or writer’s situation may influence their understanding of a text. 3. Say where a text is set giving examples and compare with other texts. 5. Identify similarities and differences between texts or versions of the same text and try to explain them.

20 Supports Sample questions prompts which lead in to asking questions related to specific AF Progression mats showing typical reading behaviours and skills at each level.

21 Helping at home Make the time to read Read together Visit the local library Listen to story tapes Play games Model reading

22 Thank you for coming! Questionnaire! If you have any questions please feel free to talk to a member of the Key Stage 1 or 2 team.

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